Our Asks

Short term stopgap (by April/May 2024):

Close the FY25 and FY26 funding gaps with enough funding from Virginia, DC, and Maryland to avoid service cuts and minimize fare hikes and shifts of preventative maintenance funds to operations. Minimum request:

  • $150 million from Maryland
  • $130 million from Virginia (split 50/50 with Northern Virginia localities)
  • $200 million from DC

Ideally, we can win even more funding to avoid fare hikes and shifting maintenance funds to operations.

Long term solution: 

  1. Solve the long-term dedicated funding challenge once and for all by reaching regional consensus on sources of dedicated funding legislatively earmarked to WMATA and indexed to inflation.
    1. Consider numerous funding sources including land value (“split-rate”) taxation for transit-oriented development areas.
    2. Shift funding from highways to Metro and other transit given the climate crisis.
  2. Improve efficiency through dedicated bus lanes, consolidated bus purchases with local providers, and even consolidating bus operators.
  3. Continue Metro’s progress in improving safety, preventative maintenance, operations, cost controls, financial reporting, and communications with decision-makers and the public.
  4. Standardize WMATA’s reporting to the three states, Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, and Federal government on finances, operations, maintenance, and safety to provide more transparent and accessible reporting and reduce the administrative burden on all parties.