Testimony on HB 80
Land Use – Transit-Oriented Development – Alterations
House Environment and Transportation Committee
Date: January 27, 2025
Position: Support
The Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) strongly supports HB 80. CSG advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all. HB 80 would facilitate transit-oriented development around Maryland rail stations and transit corridors. Below are some of the reasons why.
Transit-oriented development (TOD) plays a critical role in resolving two key Maryland challenges: housing and transportation – Workers and families benefit from expanded transportation and housing options – and greater affordability.
- Transit commuters typically save over $13,000 per year by driving less and owning fewer household cars.
- State-owned TOD sites could support 5,000 new housing units in the Baltimore region and 3,000 new housing units along the MARC Penn Line.
Maryland’s economy and state and local finances have benefitted greatly from TOD – and continued development of underutilized sites would add to these annual benefits
- In the Maryland suburbs of DC, development just on WMATA-owned property at Metrorail stations provides $66 million annually in local and state tax revenue. Currently active projects in Maryland will result in an additional $51 million in annual tax revenue. A further 13 million square feet of joint development is planned by WMATA in Maryland.
- WMATA estimates that full build-out of its available properties across the tri-state Metrorail system would provide $340 million in annual tax revenues and $8.6 billion in potential annual economic impact. Twenty-four out of the 40 stations with these development opportunities are located in Maryland.
- MARC Penn Line sites could generate $800 million in new state and local revenue.
HB 80 would help ensure that legacy zoning provisions not intended for TOD sites do not stand in the way of market demand for accessibly located housing and services – The bill would remove minimum parking requirements (allowing developers to decide) for transit-oriented developments within proximity of rail transit stations. This is considered a national best practice to ensure housing affordability and remove market obstacles.
Lastly, in a period of state fiscal constraint, transit-oriented development is a transportation solution that often takes advantage of existing infrastructure, leverages private investment and provides significant returns.
We ask for a favorable report for HB 80 by the committee. Thank you.