Neighborhood by neighborhood, we need to make sure the DC Comprehensive Plan provides the housing we need.
Thanks to activists like you, we made affordable housing a top priority in the adopted Framework of the DC Comprehensive Plan. Now we need to follow through with the rest of the Comp Plan.
Between November 2nd and December 7th, attend one of the DC Office of Planning meetings in your community to help ensure increased affordable housing is implemented in the chapters of the Comprehensive Plan and the all-important land use and policy maps.
We need you to voice your support for the Office of Planning’s proposed amendments to:
- Increase homes and businesses around Metro stations and transit corridors, in order to provide more sustainable and equitable access to jobs and services.
- Ensure that each part of the city builds and makes at least 15% of its housing stock affordable to low income households.
Attend one of the Comprehensive Plan meetings near you. Attend your local Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) and voice your support for the amended Comp Plan.
Tell them we can’t wait, we need to move forward with these proposed amendments to a Comp Plan which will plan for a more affordable homes neighborhoods by neighborhood.
Photo credit: Ted Eytan, Flickr