Category: Press Releases

RELEASE: Advocates Launch Campaign to Improve Pedestrian Safety in Pike District


September 20, 2016

Pete Tomao, Montgomery County Advocacy Manager
Coalition for Smarter Growth
(516) 318-0605

Amy Ginsburg, Executive Director
Friends of White Flint
(301) 919-1609

Advocates Launch Campaign to Improve Pedestrian Safety in Pike District

NORTH BETHESDA, MD – Dozens of signs with safety tips are going up on sidewalks, near crosswalks, and other highly-trafficked areas in the Pike District (which surrounds the White Flint Metro station in North Bethesda), in an effort by advocates to make walking safer and more attractive in the burgeoning area.

The signs are the most visible part of a broader effort, called the Pike District Pedestrian Safety Campaign, launched today by the Friends of White Flint and Coalition for Smarter Growth. The campaign highlights needed pedestrian-friendly infrastructure improvements, educates pedestrians on the safest way to navigate the existing environment, and invites people who walk in the area to share their own suggestions for making the Pike District more pedestrian-friendly.

whiteflintcampaign1  whiteflintcampaign2

“The Pike District is in the midst of an exciting transition. Guided by the 2010 White Flint Sector Plan, the area is becoming a vibrant, livable community where residents and visitors can walk to the farmer’s market, meet up with friends at happy hour, or catch a movie without having to drive to every destination. We’ve already seen a significant increase in pedestrian activity thanks to walkable projects like North Bethesda Market, North Bethesda Gateway, and Pike & Rose,” said Amy Ginsburg, the Executive Director of Friends of White Flint.

Ginsburg continued, “While walkability is improving, the road network in this area was really designed for cars more than for people. That can create a pretty inhospitable, even dangerous, environment for people on foot. Fortunately, there are a number of ways we can improve this situation in the near-term with simple and affordable solutions. Increasing crosswalk visibility, adding pedestrian refuges, and making walk signals automatic will be a huge help. That’s what this campaign is all about: practical solutions for a better pedestrian experience. We look forward to working with Montgomery County and the State of Maryland to make walking in the Pike District safer and easier.”

“We continue to see strong demand for walkable neighborhoods across the DC region, and the Pike District is no exception,” said Pete Tomao of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, which works for more walkable communities and transit investments region-wide. “Improving conditions for pedestrians will not only make thing safer for those who are already here, it will help the area attract new residents and businesses. Implementing these solutions now moves us closer to the Rockville Pike that county officials envisioned in 2010. It is our hope that we are able to push the Pike District to live up to its potential as a transit-oriented, walkable downtown,” said Tomao.

To learn more about the campaign or to get involved please visit


RELEASE: Smart growth advocates push back against campaign for HOT lanes on Maryland’s I-270 with alternatives that acknowledge induced travel exists

September 19, 2016

Pete Tomao, Montgomery County Advocacy Manager
(516) 318-0605

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director
(703) 599-6437

Smart growth advocates push back against campaign for HOT lanes on Maryland’s I-270 with alternatives that acknowledge induced travel exists

MARYLAND – Today, as part of a mounting campaign for high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes on Maryland’s I-270, the Suburban Maryland Transportation Alliance (SMTA) proposed significant expansion along the entire highway from the American Legion Bridge on I-495, north into Frederick County.

In response, advocates at the Coalition for Smarter Growth voiced concern over the approach laid out by SMTA’s Richard Parsons and released a package of more effective alternatives for the I-270 corridor.

“Mr. Parsons has effectively claimed that induced travel – the basic economic principle that building more roads causes more traffic – doesn’t exist, and that’s simply wrong,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. “Widened highways in metropolitan areas can fill up again in as little as five years.”

“We are releasing a package of approaches for the I-270 corridor in response to Mr. Parsons’ aggressive expansion campaign,” continued Schwartz. “Over two years ago, we were the group that recommended the first-ever summit of the Montgomery County Council and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, with the express purpose of addressing problems at the American Legion Bridge. So we’ve long been focused on smart fixes for this major commuting corridor.”

The Coalition for Smarter Growth recommended the following alternatives to end-to-end widening:

  1.  Near-term extension of the I-270 bus and HOV lane to and across the American Legion Bridge to provide an important option to driving alone and move more people, more quickly through the corridor.
  2. Expansion of MARC service from Frederick in accordance with the MARC investment plan, taking Frederick County residents to jobs in Montgomery and DC.
  3. Expanded commuter bus service on I-270 from Frederick County, and bus rapid transit along Route 355 from Bethesda to Clarksburg. Expanded express bus service from Clarksburg to Shady Grove Metro.
  4. Transit-oriented development along the Red Line in Montgomery County to handle population growth without increasing regional traffic, and enhancing the county’s competitiveness.
  5. A smart growth comprehensive plan for Frederick County, to create walkable development with good access to transit, while conserving farms and forests and reducing the amount residents have to drive.
  6. Continued protection of Montgomery County’s Agricultural Reserve and major drinking water supplies.
  7. Longer-term connection of Metrorail or light rail between the Silver and Red Lines, after Metro’s rehabilitation is complete and the system is adequately funded.

“Induced travel is a very real problem. It can mean billions of wasted tax and toll dollars spent on road expansions that don’t provide long-term solutions,” said Schwartz. “That’s the path Parson’s wants to lead us on. So, while we can focus on fixing key road bottlenecks, we need to apply the rest of our resources to providing transit options and ensuring more efficient patterns of land development. Linking walkable communities with transit is the only long-term effective way to improve access to jobs and daily needs and maintain our economic competitiveness.”

In 1999, the Washington Post published a groundbreaking article documenting the induced travel effect of a previous expansion of I-270 from 8 lanes to 12 lanes. A huge volume of academic research has documented induced travel. Much of it has been compiled and summarized by Todd Litman of the Victoria Transportation Policy Institute in his paper Generated Traffic and Induced Travel, Implications for Transport Planning, 12 September 2016.

“We understand that Mr. Parsons may be talking about a public-private partnership (P3) for HOT lanes, like those in Virginia, but we don’t like to see the P3 tail wag the transportation dog. Before jumping to the conclusion that HOT lanes, and private ones at that, are the way to go for I-270, we need to look at the effects on land use and long-distance commuting, the fact that transit routinely gets the short end of the stick in these deals, and evaluate the more effective long-term approach of smart growth with transit,” said Schwartz. “P3 deals concern us because they divert significant resources — usually in large federal loans — away from transit investments, and often give all profits to the private contractor for 75 years.”

“In short, we support a package of short-term transit and HOV investments like those at the American Legion Bridge, long-lasting transit investments like Marc, Metrorail, and BRT combined with more efficient land use, and a very deliberative approach to studying the issues with full recognition of the problem of induced travel,” concluded Schwartz.

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth
The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at


RELEASE: Reaction to NOVAChamber Summit — TOD is the key!

Coalition for Smarter Growth, Piedmont Environmental Council, Sierra Club – Virginia Chapter

For Immediate Release:
August 31, 2016

Stewart Schwartz, CSG, 703-599-6437 (cell)
Chris Miller, PEC, 540-347-2334
Douglas Stewart, SC, 703-407-2790 (cell)

Statement Regarding NOVAChamber Summit: Competitive Future for Northern Virginia and DC Region is Transit-Oriented Development

Tysons Corner: Today, the chambers of commerce of Northern Virginia held a business summit with the leading elected officials of Northern Virginia’s five largest jurisdictions to discuss a variety of issues including Metro funding, economic competitiveness, workforce development, and an upper Potomac Bridge crossing. While the chambers have been big boosters of an upriver bridge, smart growth and conservation groups have long made the case that transit and transit-oriented development (TOD) are the most effective and competitive way to grow.

“We were encouraged that the elected leaders on the panel at today’s summit emphasized the importance of Metro and TOD, along with workforce development, and didn’t indicate that an upriver bridge is a priority,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. “Recent experience demonstrates that the most effective way for Northern Virginia and the region to grow and maximize economic competitiveness is through transit and transit-oriented development (TOD), not by diverting billions of dollars to an outer beltway with upper Potomac bridge. Profound and lasting market shifts have demonstrated the demand for TOD and its benefits. Our transportation investments must be focused on supporting Metro, new transit, and TOD.”

Companies are leaving office parks in favor of urban centers with transit. The CEO of Marriott has said his company will move from their office park to a Metro station. Over 84% of new office development in the pipeline has been within ¼ mile walk of Metro. Millenials and downsizing empty nesters are flocking to walkable urban places with DC gaining about 100,000 people in the past 12 years.

“Recent business summits in Loudoun have trumpeted the need for mixed-use, walkable, transit-oriented development. Loudoun’s competitiveness, like that of Fairfax and the inner suburbs, depends on creating the places the next generation workforce wants to be. That includes not only walkable urban places with transit but also parks and outdoor recreation including nearby rural areas. This should be Loudoun’s focus,” said Chris Miller, President of the Piedmont Environmental Council.

“An upper Potomac bridge would harm the Montgomery Agricultural Reserve, Seneca Creek, and Potomac River. It would fuel more auto-dependent development, more driving, more air pollution and higher greenhouse gas emissions,” said Kelsey Crane, Northern Virginia Organizer for the Sierra Club – Virginia Chapter. “Past studies have shown that the overwhelming travel demand is in the American Legion Bridge corridor, which needs transit connections between the Silver Line and Red Line and associated job centers. Chairman Bulova emphasized today the importance of addressing this corridor.”

“TOD generates far more tax revenue per acre and will fuel the economic engine of Northern Virginia. In contrast, an outer beltway with upper Potomac bridge will fuel further decentralization, traffic and inefficiencies in infrastructure. So we urge the chambers to support a sustainable, competitive transit-oriented future, not a 1950’s approach to transportation, and we welcome the opportunity to campaign with them for the transit funding we need,” said Schwartz.

Finally, the groups expressed disappointment that the event did not include discussion of the importance of providing more housing close to jobs and transit for all levels of the workforce. “We are facing an affordability crisis, and need more multifamily and attached housing in walkable neighborhoods close to jobs and transit. Fairfax’s push for mixed-use redevelopment in its older commercial corridors is an example of what must be done, but the region needs to speed the process of providing more homes close to jobs and transit,” concluded Schwartz.

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth
The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at

About the Piedmont Environmental Council
The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) was founded in 1972 to promote and protect the Virginia Piedmont’s rural economy, natural resources, history and beauty. Headquartered in Warrenton, VA, we have offices throughout a nine county Piedmont region that includes Albemarle, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Greene, Loudoun, Madison, Orange and Rappahannock counties. Learn more at

About the Sierra Club – Virginia Chapter
The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club is 15,000 members strong. We are your friends and neighbors working to build healthy, livable communities, and to conserve and restore our natural environment. Every day, dozens of volunteers are taking action with the Sierra Club in Virginia. Learn more at


STATEMENT: Ruling delaying the Purple Line


August 4, 2016

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director
(703) 599-6437

Aimee Custis, Managing Director
(202) 431-7185

Statement on Ruling delaying the Purple Line

WASHINGTON DC—Yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Leon ordered that the “Record of Decision” for the Purple Line be set aside and that a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement be conducted to update ridership numbers in view of Metrorail’s current maintenance and ridership challenges.

“We are strong supporters of the National Environmental Policy Act, and have ourselves fought for Supplemental Environmental Impact Statements when merited, but we believe that the judge’s decision is in error, and hope that the FTA and State of Maryland quickly file an appeal requesting expedited review,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. “The entire project is at risk, because the delay could mean higher construction costs that undo the negotiated public-private financial structure.”

“Yes, Metrorail is facing challenges over the next few years, but the Purple Line is a long-term investment and ridership forecasts are for 2040, by which time the Metro system will have completed major rehabilitation. Therefore, there is not a ‘substantial change’ in information related to the decision to advance the Purple Line,” said Schwartz

“Certainly, our region cannot survive without Metrorail, and with coming population growth, its ridership will certainly rebound many years before 2040,” said Schwartz. “Yet it seems that the judge is presuming that Metrorail is in permanent and irreversible decline. The judge appears to be making a substantive, rather than procedural judgment and substituting his opinion for that of the experts, something judges typically seek to avoid,” Schwartz continued.

“The judge’s opinion cites case law that the ‘arbitrary and capricious standard of review is narrow and a court is not to substitute its judgment for that of the agency,’ but that’s certainly what’s happened here.”

“In addition, the relative environmental impact of the project isn’t changed by the near-term challenges at Metro. On its merits, the Purple Line will contribute to shifting trips from polluting cars to light rail with much lower emissions per passenger. It will incentivize walkable living near transit further reducing vehicle trips and pollution. It will reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Yes, we will lose mature trees and we don’t like to see that, but the environmental benefits far outweigh the environmental costs.”

“Perhaps most unfortunate here, is that wealthy residents of one community continue to stand in the way of a transit project which would provide significant economic and social benefits to lower income residents in dozens of communities to the east,” concluded Schwartz.

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at


STATEMENT: Metro GM’s proposal for permanent early closure


July 28, 2016

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director
(703) 599-6437

Statement on Metro GM’s proposal for permanent early closure

WASHINGTON DC—Today, at the WMATA Board meeting, Metro General Manager Paul Wiedefeld presented his proposal to make permanent the closing of Metrorail at 10 pm on Sundays and at midnight every other night. He first announced his proposal in a Monday press release.

“Metro, and its late-night service, has been critical to the revitalization of the District of Columbia and older inner suburbs. It’s supported billions of dollars in real estate investment, vibrant restaurants and nightlife, and provided essential transportation for hourly workers who depend on Metrorail to get to and from nighttime employment,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. “We are strong supporters of the General Manager, but are nevertheless deeply concerned about the potential negative impacts of this proposal.”

“This is one of those issues that will require having all of the information on the table and significant public input,” said Schwartz. “The public and officials will certainly need to consider the recommendations that WMATA received from the GM, rail experts and peer transit agencies, and the relative benefits for maintenance and rehabilitation of the system. At the same time, we urge the agency and local jurisdictions to provide the information necessary to evaluate the economic impact on business and workers, the demographics of those who will be affected by the change, and the origins and destinations of late night Metro riders.”

“Regional leaders must evaluate alternative approaches, including whether this can be achieved through targeted closings on a rolling basis, as track work is often handled today. WMATA and local jurisdictions should also evaluate the potential for effective after-hours “Night-Owl” service – with buses running on routes parallel to the Metro lines. With this information in hand, the WMATA Board, regional elected officials and the public will be better able to evaluate the proposal,” said Schwartz.

As a new TransitCenter study pointed out last week, riders want frequent and reliable service above all else. They conclude that frequent transit networks are essential to maintaining and growing ridership and are most successful where they attract “all-purpose” riders. TransitCenter concludes that “frequent transit networks in walkable neighborhoods, … reduce reliance on cars, spark economic growth, and create the vibrant urban places we know and love.”

“Frequent, reliable transit service is vital to the prosperity of the Washington DC region, and we hope we can find an alternative that meets both maintenance and customer needs,” concluded Schwartz.

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at


STATEMENT: Rt.29 Bus Rapid Transit Federal TIGER Grant Award


July 28, 2016

Pete Tomao, Montgomery County Advocacy Manager
(516) 318-0605

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director
(703) 599-6437

Statement on Rt.29 Bus Rapid Transit Federal TIGER Grant Award

Montgomery County, MD— On Tuesday, July 27, federal officials announced that Montgomery County will receive $10 million to help build Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on Rt.29. The proposed BRT will run from Downtown Silver Spring to Burtonsville and include 12 stations. The BRT is projected to begin operations in 2020 and will cost roughly $67 million. Transit advocates hailed the announcement.

“The federal TIGER grant is a major step toward implementing the 14-mile BRT system in eastern Montgomery. Winning a competitive grant like this shows Montgomery is serious about making BRT a reality,” said Pete Tomao, the Montgomery County Advocacy Manager at the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

The proposed BRT system is projected to serve 23,000 riders in a corridor where 12% of the population has no access to a car, and 30% of households earn less than half of the area median income. The BRT system will address long standing economic and equity issues on the Rt. 29 corridor and ensure that every resident has the access to transportation they need to be successful.

“Not only is BRT better for equity, it is also better for the economy. Job growth along the corridor is predicated on a future BRT system,” said Tomao. “Economic plans for White Oak are especially dependent upon the arrival of a high quality transit system. We have seen the power of transit-oriented development in Silver Spring and Bethesda. Now, eastern Montgomery can benefit from the same type of development and job growth.”

“To ensure the system is successful, Montgomery officials must maintain a focus on creating a ‘gold standard’ BRT,” said Tomao. This means a system with frequent, reliable service, off-board fare collection, upgraded stations, and level boarding. The county also needs to ensure dedicated bus lanes are implemented wherever possible. It is dedicated lanes that give BRT a competitive advantage over other types of transportation.

“The award is great news for sustainable and equitable growth in Montgomery. We look forward to working with County officials to ensure the BRT system is the best it can be.” concluded Tomao.

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at


RELEASE: Zoning Commission takes important step to strengthen affordable housing in the District



JULY 21, 2016

Claire Zippel, DC Fiscal Policy Institute 202-325-8251
Cheryl Cort, Coalition for Smarter Growth 202-251-7516

Zoning Commission takes important step to strengthen affordable housing in the District

(Washington, DC) The DC Zoning Commission took an important step Wednesday night to expand affordable housing in the District, with a vote to strengthen the city’s Inclusionary Zoning program. The Commission’s action largely adopts the recommendations of the DC Campaign for Inclusionary Zoning, a group of affordable housing advocates and supporters.

Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) harnesses the District’s hot real estate market to create affordable housing throughout the city. IZ requires almost every new residential development to reserve a specified share of the new homes at below-market rents or sales prices, in return for allowing greater density than normally permitted by zoning rules. Importantly, IZ can produce affordable housing wherever development is occurring – including in neighborhoods with access to public transportation, good schools, retail amenities, and job opportunities – without requiring tax dollars.

IZ will soon help more low-income families struggling to pay the rent amidst the city’s rising housing costs. On Wednesday, July 20, the Zoning Commission voted to require new IZ rental units to be set aside as affordable to families with incomes below 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), or $59,000 for a family of three. That amounts to $1,100 for a one-bedroom rental. Currently, the vast majority of IZ units are only required to be affordable at 80 percent AMI – or $1,600 for a one-bedroom rental – close to market rate in most DC neighborhoods.

As a result of the Commission’s action, IZ will generate over 2,600 apartments affordable to low-income families over the next five to ten years, based on the pace of new development which has climbed to a 25-year high. “The Zoning Commission’s decision comes at an opportune time to ensure IZ does the most it can for families severely squeezed by DC’s high rents and closed out of many neighborhoods,” said Claire Zippel of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute.

“We are gratified that the Commission is sharpening the tool we knew could do more to address our city’s affordable housing crisis. The economics show that this change strikes the right balance between encouraging market-rate housing production and incorporating greater affordability for those left out of the market,” said Cheryl Cort of the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

The Campaign for Inclusionary Zoning petitioned the Zoning Commission in January, 2015 to consider revisions to IZ, after it became apparent that the homes created were largely out of reach of the city’s low-income residents – and too expensive for three-fourths of families on the IZ waiting list, whose incomes fall at or below 60 percent AMI. Paying the majority of income for rent is not uncommon for families near 60 percent AMI, whereas households at 80 percent AMI are already largely accommodated by existing housing in the private market.

“By strengthening this affordable housing policy, the Zoning Commission helps ensure working people can still call DC home. We thank the Commission for listening to the voices of those who are being priced out,” said Carlos Jimenez, Executive Director of the Washington Labor Council AFL-CIO.

“The Commission’s decision is good news for District residents at lower incomes who will benefit from IZ through increased access to opportunity – amenities and infrastructure in higher-cost neighborhoods, including schools, transportation choices, jobs and health care options,” said David Bowers, Vice President and Mid-Atlantic Market Leader at Enterprise Community Partners.

After a 30-day public review period, the Zoning Commission’s decision is expected to become final.

Statement at the Zoning Commission, March 3, 2016

The DC Campaign for Inclusionary Zoning is led by the Coalition for Smarter Growth and the DC Fiscal Policy Institute. It is supported by Enterprise Community Partners, the Metropolitan Washington Labor Council AFL-CIO, PolicyLink, and Jews United for Justice.

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at

The DC Fiscal Policy Institute promotes budget and policy choices to expand economic opportunity for DC residents and to reduce income inequality in the District of Columbia, through independent research and policy recommendations. Learn more at


RELEASE: “MetroGreater” contest solicits rider ideas for small ways Metro can improve rider experience

Greater Greater Washington & Coalition for Smarter Growth

June 22, 2016 – 10:00 AM

David Alpert, Greater Greater Washington
(202) 596-9449

Aimee Custis, Coalition for Smarter Growth
(202) 431-7185

“MetroGreater” contest solicits rider ideas for small ways Metro can improve rider experience

WASHINGTON DC — A new crowdsourcing contest called MetroGreater, which launched this morning, allows riders and other members of the public to suggest small ideas to improve the experience on Metrorail, Metrobus, and MetroAccess. The public is invited to submit ideas at and comment on others’ entries.

The contest is produced by Greater Greater Washington in collaboration with the Coalition for Smarter Growth and WMATA. While Metro is hard at work on serious, long-term, safety-related rebuilding through SafeTrack, there are opportunities to make smaller, faster, cheaper changes along the way which will improve the rider experience both during rebuilding and beyond.

Since General Manager Paul Wiedefeld took over at WMATA, the agency has already taken several steps to help riders, such as adding decals to platforms showing where trains will stop and color-coding eight-car trains on the digital signs. This contest will help WMATA identify further ideas to help riders on rail, bus, and paratransit.

Eligible ideas are those that:

  • Can be implemented by Metro in no more than 3-6 months;
  • Will cost no more than $100,000 to complete;
  • Have negligible costs to continue into the future;
  • Violate no laws or regulations; and
  • Will not negatively impact service or safety.

The public can access the contest details and rules, and submit their own entries, at Submissions will be accepted through July 15, 2016. A jury of regional experts and advocates will select 10 submissions that meet all necessary criteria as finalists. The public will vote for a winner in August.

WMATA has committed to implementing the winning entry within six months, and could implement other ideas as well at their option. Greater Greater Washington and the Coalition for Smarter Growth will offer periodic updates on the implementation status of the winning entry through late 2016. The winner will receive public recognition and some transit memorabilia.

“Metro has serious safety and repair problems that General Manager Wiedefeld is working to address with SafeTrack and other initiatives,” said David Alpert, founder and President of Greater Greater Washington. “But in the meantime, WMATA shouldn’t stop finding quick ways to make things better for riders on all forms of transit. When Mr. Wiedefeld came on board at WMATA, he approached us about ways to better engage with riders, and we were pleased he was willing to green-light a project like MetroGreater. This effort is another small step in the right direction for Metro.”

“Those of us outside the transit agency can’t turn wrenches or replace rail ties,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director at the Coalition for Smarter Growth. “But riders, advocates, and the public have a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and energy that we can share. Riders know the system intimately, and we’re excited to see the small, creative and implementable ideas the contest brings to light that WMATA can use to improve the rider experience.”

Greater Greater Washington and the Coalition for Smarter Growth are regional thought leaders on transit and have repeatedly shaped the region’s conversation on the Metro system, including: making the case for transit-oriented development; building support for the Silver Line, Potomac Yard Metro Station, and priority bus corridors including dedicated bus lanes; and devising the station subtitle naming system that’s on the Metro map today.

About Greater Greater Washington
Greater Greater Washington harnesses blogging and community activism to build informed and civically engaged communities of people who believe in a growing and inclusive Washington DC region and speak up for livable communities for all. Read more at

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth
The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading advocacy organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. For 19 years, the Coalition for Smarter Growth has worked for walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at


RELEASE: Transit Supporters Petition for Bus Improvements

May 10, 2016

Pete Tomao, Montgomery County Advocacy Manager
(516) 318-0605

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director
(703) 599-6437

With Metrorail Shutdowns Looming, Transit Supporters Petition for Bus Improvements

Montgomery County, MD — On Monday, transit advocates at the Coalition for Smarter Growth submitted a 1000-signature “Better Bus Petition” to the Montgomery County Council and County Executive.  The petition calls for dedicated bus lanes and frequent, reliable service. With thousands of citizens impacted by the future Metro closures, transit supporters say it’s more important than ever to make major bus system improvements.

“With Metrorail disruption imminent, thousands of Montgomery residents will have their commutes impacted. If we don’t want hundreds of new cars on our roadways we need to invest in a faster, more frequent, and more reliable bus network. There has never been a better time to do it than now,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

“Volunteers and Coalition for Smarter Growth staff spent hours collecting hundreds of signatures in every part of Montgomery County, from Shady Grove to Silver Spring, between August and October 2015. With the impending Metrorail shutdowns, there seemed no better time to present the petition to officials,” said Pete Tomao, Montgomery County Advocacy Manager for the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

“Riders everywhere told us the same thing. We need more reliable bus service, including dedicated lanes. Clearly the demand exists for better service, and that demand will only increase with the Metrorail disruptions,” said Tomao.

“Wherever WMATA has introduced express bus service in Montgomery County, it has been successful. Ridership on the K9 along New Hampshire Avenue has increased 79% since 2011, and the J4 from Bethesda to Silver Spring is up 34% since 2012: when you offer riders frequent, reliable service, they use it. With dedicated lanes, the speed, frequency, and reliability of buses would be even better. With 20 extra WMATA buses sitting at the White Flint Bus Depot, we have the opportunity to put them to work in express corridors,” Tomao continued.

“A single lane of auto-traffic can carry about 1200 people per hour, versus the 3700 a dedicated bus lane in Pittsburgh is now carrying. Dedicated space allows us to make the most of our roadways.”

“We’ve been encouraged by recent steps that the County Executive and Council have taken to improve service and advance bus rapid transit on Route 29, Route 355, and Veirs Mill Road. With this petition and with the impending Metrorail shutdowns, we hope that the county will accelerate investments in dedicated lanes and more frequent service on key corridors throughout the county,” said Tomao.

“They say to never waste a crisis. The challenges presented by Metrorail disruptions present an opportunity to improve our regional bus service and to implement the dedicated bus lanes we’ve needed for some time. Our conversations with transit riders show the demand for improved bus service and we urge regional officials to seize the opportunity.” concluded Schwartz.

60 cars V 60 Buses

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at


STATEMENT: Reaction to WMATA General Manager Wiedefeld’s Metro Repair Plan

May 6, 2016

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director
(703) 599-6437

Tackling this Challenge — Together

WASHINGTON, DC – In response to WMATA General Manager Paul Wiedefeld’s Metro repair plan statement this morning at Metro Headquarters, Coalition for Smarter Growth Executive Director Stewart Schwartz issued the following statement.

“We have been impressed by the strong, deliberative leadership of WMATA General Manager Paul Wiedefeld. Therefore, as a community and as Metro riders, we need to work together with the GM and the agency to get the job done. We need the roll up the sleeves attitude of Americans who’ve worked together after major natural disasters or mobilized for war.

“While those of us outside the agency will not be turning wrenches, we can support the funding WMATA will need and work with our employers to plan alternative ways to commute. And it won’t work if everyone jumps into their cars. Expanded bus service, telecommuting, flex-time, and carpooling will be critical for longer distance commuters. For those living closer to work, bicycling, bikeshare, and walking will be important additional options. Among our top recommendations is providing the dedicated bus lanes we’ve long needed.

“At the same time, based upon reports, the management and staff at WMATA owe the public a real turnaround in their performance in communications, maintenance, repair, operations, and above all safety. As a former Navy aviator, the revelations about the lack of a safety culture have been a particular concern for me.

“The extended repair times will hopefully give the staff the breathing room they need to make more effective and long-lasting repairs to the system, but this should also be a time for a complete culture change – breaking down the communications barriers between departments and between management and line workers, and infusing safety, customer service, and pride in every member of the team.”

Our specific recommendations include:

  • Much better and more effective customer communications by WMATA including, sufficient advance notice of shutdowns and planned alternatives, reliable travel time and schedule information for both rail and bus service at all times, and transparency about the repair work being done and the results.
  • Funding for the purchase of sufficient buses and hiring of more bus drivers to provide an essential transit alternative during extended shutdowns. But this will not be enough. We should take this opportunity to provide the dedicated bus lanes we have long needed.
  • Enhance and improve other alternative transportation services like expanding bikeshare, accelerating the installation of protected bikeways, and working with local jurisdictions to increase funding to transportation demand management programs including encouraging carpooling and telecommuting.
  • If stations are to be shut down for extended periods for rail repairs, then use the time restore the stations as well – cleaning, repairing damaged tiles, repairing fare gates, installing new lighting, etc. Take the time to restore and enhance the customer experience from the moment they enter the stations.

“Finally, we urge unity among elected officials in backing up the General Manager, and a shared commitment to providing the funding the system will need to complete a full mid-life restoration. Giving up on our Metrorail investment and all of the transportation and economic development benefits it has brought to our region is simply not an option.”

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at
