Category: Press Releases

New “Welcome to Montgomery County’s Agricultural Reserve” Signs

At 10:30 this morning Montgomery County and State of Maryland officials unveiled new state road signs at the major entry points into the county’s nationally recognized Agricultural Reserve. Now drivers who experience the transition from surrounding suburbs into the 90,000 acre reserve will see “Welcome to Montgomery County’s Agricultural Reserve” signs to know that they are entering a special place in the Washington DC region.

Conservation and Smart Growth Groups Weigh-in on Transportation Funding

Joining the renewed debate over transportation funding, the Virginia conservation and smart growth community released an open letter today to Governor Kaine, Lieutenant Governor Bolling, Attorney General McDonnell and all 140 members of the General Assembly. “The energy crisis and climate change make it more important that ever that we buy the right transportation system for the next 50 to 100 years,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

At $80,000 per Space, Proposed Bethesda Parking Garage Needs a Second Look

In the midst of painful budget cuts and transit fare increases, the Montgomery County Council is on the verge of voting to spend $89 million, or $80,000 per space, for a 1,150 space parking garage in the heart of the walking and biking-oriented Bethesda Row district. The new garage will be adjacent to the Capital Crescent Trail and a block away from the planned South entrance of the Bethesda Metro station. The Council’s transportation committee voted for the garage on Friday, before sending the issue to the full Council.

Pedestrians Unsafe on Washington Region’s “Mean Streets”

A few days before a regional pedestrian safety summit, the Coalition for Smarter Growth released a new study of pedestrian safety in the Washington, D.C., region. The report finds that suburban jurisdictions are the least safe for walkers, especially Fairfax County, Virginia, and Prince George’s County, Maryland. While jurisdictions are taking steps to improve safety, the Coalition is calling on our region’s leaders to redouble their efforts to ensure that walking is a safe means of travel, and to commit to reducing by half the number of pedestrian crashes that result in death and severe injury in our communities.

Depth of Opposition Grows to Massive I-81 Widening

Seven citizens’ organizations – National Trust for Historic Preservation, Scenic Virginia, APVA Preservation Virginia, Virginia Organizing Project, Valley Conservation Council, Rockbridge Area Conservation Council and Sierra Club – Thursday joined a federal lawsuit to block plans to widen I-81 to eight or more lanes throughout most of western Virginia. (Amended Complaint) Meanwhile, the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates passed bills mandating legislative oversight of I-81 and prior approval should tolls be proposed.

Sweetheart Bill for Builders Almost Derailed in Senate

“The significant division in the Senate vote on SB768 today demonstrates the serious problems with this bill,” said Lisa Guthrie, Executive Director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters. “Had the bill not been filed at the last minute and had there been even a couple more days for all legislators to realize the damaging fiscal impacts, this bill would not have passed.”

City Council Lauded for Action on Affordable Housing Law

On January 8, the D.C. City Council voted overwhelmingly to sponsor legislation implementing its Inclusionary Zoning affordable housing law. Championed by Councilmembers Jim Graham and Chairman Vincent Gray, the bill fully reflects the position of the Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, which has repeatedly requested implementation by the Mayor’s office since original enabling legislation was approved in December 2006.