These are not normal times. So in this, our first newsletter of the year, we will begin by sharing what we believe—and offering opportunities to be involved in positive local change.
Category: Newsletters
CSG News: Starting the year off with big issues
First, great news! Thanks to many generous donors like you, we met our end-of-year fundraising goal! Your support enables us to field our team and work with you to shape a more sustainable and livable future. But we have big challenges ahead and need your help to take action on the following issues in the coming weeks.

CSG News: Inspiration!
We had a record turnout for Smart Growth Social with two special guests – David Zipper and WMATA General Manager Randy Clarke. It was a great party and chance to catch up, but we also called everyone to action to help us win the funding Metro needs. We’ll need your help to speak up for transit-oriented communities, more housing, safer streets, and reforming state transportation priorities. See below for the opportunities to speak up in your community!
CSG News: Smart Growth Social, Metro funding, and speaking up
Our annual Smart Growth Social is back and tickets are selling fast! Join us for a night of fun, networking, and inspiration – all while supporting our work for a more livable, sustainable region. Special guest speaker, David Zipper, a contributor to Bloomberg CityLab, Vox, and The Atlantic, will talk about how we save transit and our vibrant cities.
CSG News: Football subsidies or Metro? Parking or housing?
Looking at the many issues we are tackling this month, a common theme emerges. What are our region’s priorities? Is it to subsidize a new stadium for the Commanders or to close Metro’s budget gap? Is it parking or more housing? Transit and safer streets or more HOT lanes and wide, dangerous arterials? Please read on to see how you can help fight for more housing, safer streets, and transit.
CSG News: The issues are as hot as the weather!
Thanks to your advocacy, we’re celebrating more wins for smart growth in our region! Embrace August’s opportunities to make a difference — such as becoming a Smart Growth Watchdog! — to drive even more positive change. And don’t miss our Popsicles in the Park meet-up with partners WABA and CCAN!
CSG News: Smart growth wins in Virginia and big issues ahead!
Last month, we had two great wins for smart growth in Virginia: a YES vote for better buses on Alexandria’s Duke Street and a YES vote for the redevelopment of West Falls Church. CSG and local advocates fought hard for these wins and we’re committed to continue fighting. Read on for how you can help!
CSG News: What a celebration!
Thank you to all of our supporters, volunteers, and sponsors for a great Livable Communities reception! It was wonderful to see so many old friends, meet new friends, and celebrate Mayor Justin Wilson and our Community Hero awardees – Bernard Holloway, Kyle Reeder, Tina Slater, Michelle Krocker, and Kim Hosen. Check out the pictures from the event, taken by Hugh Kenny of the Piedmont Environmental Council.
CSG News: And the winners are…
Our Livable Communities Awards celebration is just two weeks away! We’ll be honoring Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson and five Community Heroes. This is also our most important fundraiser for the year and your donations make a real difference!
CSG News: Get your tickets, take action, and more!
Spring is here and we have an exciting announcement! We’ll be celebrating our annual Livable Communities Leadership Awards at a reception on May 16 at the Old Ebbitt Grill Atrium – steps away from the White House.