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Testimony: Support for the Flats at Glenridge Station, DSP-23008 & DDS-24002 (Prince George’s)
March 10, 2025 Mr. Peter Shapiro, Chair Prince George’s County Planning Board, M-NCPPC 1616 McCormick Drive, Largo MD Via: RE: Support for the Flats at Glenridge Station, DSP-23008 & DDS-24002 Dear Chair Shapiro and members of the Board: Please accept this testimony on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter

Alert: Support affordable transit-oriented housing at Glenridge Purple Line station in Prince George’s
Send a message to the Prince George's Planning board by Tuesday, March 11, 12 noon We’ve advocated for the Purple Line. We’ve advocated more affordable housing - especially at rail transit. Well, here it is! The first new affordable apartments steps away from the Glenridge Purple Line station. Please join

Building a shared prosperity for Prince George’s candidates briefing
A briefing for County Executive candidates on linking economic development, housing, and smart growth February 18, 2025, Solid Rock Church, Riverdale MD ProgramDownload Video Recording Sponsors RISE Prince George’s is a group of county residents and allies advocating for policies and practices that build shared, sustainable prosperity in Prince George’s
MD Testimony in Support of HB 80 / SB 190 – Transit-oriented development bill
Testimony on HB 80 Land Use - Transit-Oriented Development - Alterations House Environment and Transportation Committee Date: January 27, 2025 Position: Support The Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) strongly supports HB 80. CSG advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the
Testimony: West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (Prince George’s, Support)
Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony in support of the Staff Draft West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) (CR-002-2022). This plan will shape growth and change in this area to enhance housing choices, improve walk and bicycle access, and better connect the community to two Metrorail stations. This plan would provide increased access to jobs, services and homes, in a way that minimizes automobile trips and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This plan is comprehensive and extensive. We will only be able highlight a few of the important recommendations.