Advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all.

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Event: Tour the future of Oakton + drinks on us! (Oakton, VA)

You’re invited! Join us for a walking tour and happy

Smart Growth Social

Join us for our annual party at Eastern Market! Smart Growth Social, CSG's most popular annual event, is returning to Eastern Market this October! Join us for a celebration of the smart growth movement and the incredible people who champion it.

Latest Happenings

Stimulus – Don’t Give Blank Check to VDOT and MDOT

“The transportation portion of the stimulus badly misses the mark.” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, “It fails to mandate that most of the spending go to maintenance and operations of roads and transit and allows the Virginia and Maryland Departments of Transportation and the other state DOT’s too much authority to allocate $30 billion. That means business as usual instead of the fundamental change we need.”

Transit’s Success at the Inauguration

Rail, bus, walking and bicycle access made possible record-breaking crowds who attended downtown celebrations for the Presidential Inauguration. Metrorail marked three days of unprecedented ridership in a row, providing 2.6 million trips for people during three days of inaugural celebrations. Officials decided against any significant role for private automobiles and encouraged visitors to take transit or bus, walk or bicycle.
Statement of Principles to Guide Decisions on D.C. Budget

Statement of Principles to Guide Decisions on D.C. Budget

The District of Columbia faces severe economic challenges. Declining revenues have already led to the adoption of significant budget cuts in the Fiscal Year 2009 budget. The cuts affect a wide range of programs, including parks, public safety, and transportation. However, they will fall especially hard on low-income families due to reduced funding for affordable housing, homeless services, health care, and income supports.

DC – Coalition for Community Investment

The Coalition for Community Investment's Statement of Principles and Co-signers, including the Coalition for Smarter Growth. Click here to view the complete document >>

Virginia Pedestrian Safety Fact Sheet 2009

Statistics on how Virginia compares nationally on measures of pedestrian safety. Click here to read the complete fact sheet>>