TAKE ACTION: Speak up for homes, and a vibrant Takoma Metro station

The proposed mixed-use development at the Takoma Metro station is a bold proposal, but it has vocal opponents. The project will provide 440 new homes with at least 70 affordable homes and transform a surface parking lot into a vibrant, safer, walkable place with cafes, a plaza, and usable greenspace. It will also provide better bus, walk and bicycle facilities, and control stormwater runoff for the first time.

It’s an exciting plan — but it won’t happen if you don’t speak up! Email the DC Zoning Commission by June 14th to support this proposal. 

Support a transformed Takoma Metro station

Here are project highlights:

  • New apartments for a mix of incomes and families — approximately 440 total homes, with at least 70 of the units affordable. If the project wins an additional subsidy from the city, one-third of the new homes could be affordable;
  • A civic plaza with a cafe and retail adjacent to the Metro station entrance
  • Safer access to the Metro station with close drop-off/pick-up parking spaces;
  • Improved sidewalks, bike paths, and bicycle parking;
  • Bus bays that will be more comfortable for people waiting due to proximity to retail, residences, and the Metro station entrance;
  • Preserved trees and recreational space — including “climbable” public art. 1.8 acres will be permanently preserved;
  • Modernized stormwater management, where none has existed.

Creating this great place will involve replacing the surface parking lot with its 160 short-term parking spaces. The new development will include 16 pick-up/drop-off spaces and 67 retail parking spaces on site which, along with other street parking, will provide substantial parking options for the area.

Take action for a vibrant, inclusive Takoma Metro station

The new affordable housing helps fulfill the DC housing equity goal for Ward 4. Adding affordable and mixed income housing addresses the area’s critical need to build a more inclusive, equitable community. 

This is a great plan for the Takoma Metro station – meeting local and regional needs for new homes, affordable homes, a public plaza, better bus, walk and bike facilities, and permanent, usable greenspace. Please show your support.