Testimony: Maryland Housing for Jobs Act (HB 503/SB 430) – Support

March 4, 2025

The Honorable Delegate Marc Korman
Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee
Maryland House of Delegates
House Office Building, Room 250
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

HB503 – Land Use – Regional Housing Infrastructure Gap (Housing for Jobs Act) — Support

Carrie Kisicki, Montgomery County Advocacy Manager

Dear Chair Korman and Committee Members,

Thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Carrie Kisicki, and I am the Montgomery County Advocacy Manager for the Coalition for Smarter Growth. We advocate for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the metro D.C. region to grow and provide opportunities for all. 

Location matters when we build new housing. The Housing for Jobs Act will help to produce more of the homes Maryland needs in strategic locations tied to our transit network, our environmental health, and our economic success. 

This approach continues Maryland’s long history of leadership on smart growth—the principle that we can protect our environment, support more inclusive communities and a thriving economy, and give people access to opportunity by locating homes in places with access to jobs, sustainable transportation, and other amenities. 

The Housing for Jobs Act encourages sustainability and location efficiency by granting 1.5 units towards housing production targets for each home located within ¾ mile of a rail station.

It also supports more inclusive communities by granting 1.5 units toward housing production targets for each home deed-restricted to households earning 60% or below AMI for at least 40 years.

For these reasons, we strongly urge you to support HB 503. Thank you for your consideration.


Carrie Kisicki
Montgomery County Advocacy Manager