Author: katie

Getting On Track: Record Transit Ridership Increases Energy Independence

Getting On Track: Record Transit Ridership Increases Energy Independence

This report details the dramatic growth of public transportation in 2008, and the corresponding energy and environmental benefits. These details are viewed in light of fewer miles driven in most states last year. It also documents transit growth across the country continuing into this year, highlights future potential benefits and outlines ways to improve the state of public transportation.

120 Day Stimulus Spending Report – D.C.

120 Day Stimulus Spending Report – D.C.

This report is a product of Smart Growth America (SGA), a coalition of national, state and local organizations working to improve the ways we plan and build our towns, cities, and metropolitan areas.

As part of that mission, SGA and our partners have been working with states and cities to help shape how they spend their stimulus funds. In March 2009, SGA issued Spending the Stimulus, a report describing the wide range of projects for which the bulk of the states’ ARRA transportation spending could be used.