Joint Statement on OLO Initial RESJ Review of Thrive 2050

The Coalition for Smarter Growth, Montgomery for All, Audubon Naturalist Society, Montgomery Housing Alliance, and the Washington Area Bicyclists Association believe in the overarching vision of Thrive 2050, which promotes equity and sustainability through affordable housing, more housing options, improved transit, walkable communities that improve access to jobs, and more.

The best path forward for racial justice in our local land use policies includes allowing more diverse housing types, building mixed-income housing near transit and jobs centers, bringing equitable investment to historically disinvested areas, and ensuring high environmental quality in every neighborhood. We must address the legacy and impact of racial and economic segregation.

We believe the current draft of Thrive 2050 would advance these policies and make Montgomery County more welcoming for everyone. Coalition for Smarter Growth has repeatedly called for stronger language around racial equity and social justice, and we are glad that the Office of Legislative Oversight has provided some guidance on how that can be done. 

We urge the Council to quickly plan work sessions to incorporate amendments and pass Thrive.

Thank you,
