February 11, 2025
The Honorable Delegate Marc Korman
Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee
Maryland House of Delegates
House Office Building, Room 250
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
HB 489, Maryland Department of Labor – Study on Building Code Requirements for Single–Staircase Buildings — Support
Carrie Kisicki, Montgomery County Advocacy Manager
Dear Chair Korman and Committee Members,
Thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Carrie Kisicki, and I am the Montgomery County Advocacy Manager for the Coalition for Smarter Growth. We advocate for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the metro D.C. region to grow and provide opportunities for all.
We ask for your support of HB 489. Single-staircase buildings offer a potential solution to several of the housing challenges Maryland faces. Modern fire safety requirements and building materials make it possible to build single-staircase buildings safely, and this study will help us update our state’s housing policies to reflect these advances.
Single-staircase buildings unlock the potential of small or irregularly-sized lots for multi-family housing production. Because these kinds of lots are often infill lots located in and near downtowns, this would help create more housing opportunities near jobs and amenities.
Single-staircase buildings can also help provide more homes for families. The flexibility of the single-staircase layout allows for larger, family-sized multi-bedroom units to be built even in buildings on smaller or irregular lots.
Thank you for your consideration.
Carrie Kisicki
Montgomery County Advocacy Manager