TESTIMONY re: Support of ParcView II Affordable Housing 

Rezoning #2021-00007 
Development Special Use Permit #2021-10029 
Transportation Management Plan Special Use Permit 2021-00088 

February 12, 2022 

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director 

Mayor and Council,

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the D.C. region advocating walkable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way to grow and provide opportunities for all. We are a 25-year-old non-profit with partnerships that span the conservation, affordable housing, social equity, transit, bike/ped, and business sectors. In 2017, we received the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) Regional Partnership Award. 

We urge you to approve the ParcView II proposed by Wesley Housing, one of our region’s premier non-profit affordable housing developers and managers. 

Alexandria has lost over 90% of its affordable housing over the past two decades. Over 14,000 Alexandria’s renters today are cost burdened, paying over 30% of their household income for rent. This is among the best new affordable housing developments we have seen and shows the benefits of the city’s Residential Multifamily Zoning. The project conforms to the heights in the small area plan and to the goals and provisions of the Housing Master Plan. It fits within the longstanding high-rise district along Holmes Run. 

Wesley Housing will be providing 224 new affordable homes for a total of 373 long-term committed affordable units ranging from 30% to 80% of area median income. It is particularly impressive that they will be providing up to 92 deeply affordable units including 25 at 30% AMI and 45 at 40%AMI.  

The building will be LEED silver. Parking will be unbundled from the price of the units and be at about a .83 ratio per unit. Capital Bikeshare (15 bay), 186 secure bike parking spaces, and good access to bus service will contribute to a high percentage of non-auto trips. The city will be deeded land within the floodplain for Holmes Run Park.  

This is an ideal location for this critically needed committed affordable housing and urgently needed for our essential workforce. Thank you. 
