We wish to express our support for this 123-unit residential housing project and the variances needed to make it feasible and appropriate to its unique context. Given the continued strong demand to live in this growing neighborhood, the site’s walking…
Author: Candace Wilkinson
Testimony on Conceptual Site Plan for Melford Village
We are writing to request the Board to deny approval of the Conceptual Site Plan for Melford Village. While the proposed development contemplates a combination of residential, retail, and commercial uses, in would do little to increase walkability or transit connectivity or improve the significant jobs imbalance…
Testimony in Support of 90 & 91 Bladgen Alley NW Reduced Parking
We wish to express our strong support for this project and the proposed reduction in the number of parking spaces provided for this laudable housing development and historic restoration project. Forcing unneeded vehicle parking into this innovative alley residential development would do great harm to this historic alley which is a treasure for the city. We agree that the vehicle parking is unnecessary. Instead of providing vehicle parking, the new housing will offer…
Testimony On Transportation Priorities for Montgomery County
My name is Kelly Blynn and I lead our work here in Montgomery County where we count over 4,000 supporters. Tonight we’d like to offer two considerations regarding Montgomery County’s transportation future as you head to Annapolis this year.
Testimony Regarding McMillan Sand Filtration Site before the Mayor’s Agent
We have tracked the community discussions and historic review process of this proposal for several years. We are here to express our support for the adaptive reuse of the historic McMillan Sand Filtration Plant. This thoughtful plan restores the major historic features, along with creating a new large park that incorporates the distinct historic elements of the former industrial site. Implementing the proposed plan will deliver a wide range of public benefits of special merit, including:
Letter to Muriel Bowser in Support of DCHA’s Affordable Housing Proposal
We support DCHA’s proposal for 1125 Spring Road to create 200 rental homes, 90% of which would be affordable. We support the proposed wide range of affordability, including deeply affordable units at 30% AMI that are so desperately needed as market pressure continues to eliminate more and more of the city’s most affordable stock. We also ask that some of the units be use for permanently supportive housing.
Testimony on Need to Set a Target for Reducing CO2 Emissions from Transportation
Recent reports show sea level rise will contribute to flooding of our Monumental Core. Reports on the impacts of climate change are increasingly dire. We are the nation’s capital, the capital of the most powerful nation the world has ever known, and this region is collectively wealthier than 99% of the rest of the world. If we don’t lead on this issue from this region, who will? What will it take to get the leadership we need?
Testimony Concerning the Transportation Gap to CEEPC and MWAQC Committees
The 2014 CLRP performance assessment makes clear that while COG’s regional climate goal is to reduce emissions 80% by 2050 below 2005 levels, that the list of regional transportation projects, if built, will cause emissions to rise rather than fall. We have on our hands a Transportation Emissions Gap – a major discrepancy between our goals, and our regional plans. Our question is, how can we work together to close that gap now? Because transportation decision take so long to implement, getting started now is critical to make the changes needed.