Category: Statewide

Take action: Support passage of MD transportation reforms!

Take action: Support passage of MD transportation reforms!

Thanks to you and other advocates, we have advanced a set of transportation reform bills through the Maryland House of Delegates. Now we need to do a final push to win adoption in the Maryland Senate so Governor Moore can sign them into law! 

This legislation to guide Maryland’s transportation priorities is especially important if the state adds new revenues and spending. Key bills in the Senate Budget & Taxation Committee that CSG supports are:

Transit-Oriented Development (HB 80) – MDOT’s amended bill relieves parking mandates and allows mixed use development in proximity to Metrorail, Purple Line, and most MARC stations. It also removes potential obstacles to transit-oriented development plans on state-owned land. 

Transportation and Climate Alignment Act (HB 84) – MDOT is supporting this bill that would require the agency to evaluate its transportation projects to ensure they help Maryland meet its greenhouse gas reduction targets and provide alternatives to driving. 

Metro Funding Modification Act (HB 467) – Maryland, DC and Virginia came together in 2018 to successfully fund Metro’s capital needs. As a result, Metro service today is faster, more frequent, and more reliable. However, the $500M in annual funding was not indexed to inflation, risking future funding shortfalls and declining reliability and safety. This bill would index the funding to inflation. 

Work Group on Reorganization of MTA (HB 517) – Creates a study group to separate the MARC, Purple Line, and Commuter Bus systems from MTA’s local Baltimore transit focus. This would better ensure a focus on modernization and improved operations for MARC and a successful Purple Line service.

More transportation funding – The just released joint Senate/House budget proposal would increase transportation funding by $500 million per year using an increase in the state tax on capital gains and other measures.

Thanks for helping build a better Maryland!

Take action! Contact your representatives to support the Maryland Housing for Jobs Act

Take action! Contact your representatives to support the Maryland Housing for Jobs Act

Support the 2025 Housing for Jobs Act!

Maryland has a housing shortage that is making it harder for people to afford to live here and is holding back our economy per this state report. And even when people have managed to find a more affordable home, it’s often been in outer areas far from jobs and services, meaning more sprawl, more driving, higher transportation costs, and more climate pollution.

The Housing for Jobs Act (HB 503/SB 430) would set regional housing targets based on the number of jobs in a given set of counties grouped by their area of the state. It would set clear standards for approving and denying new housing when counties haven’t met their housing to jobs ration, giving extra credit to localities who create housing near transit and to those who create affordable housing. 

Click here to read CSG’s testimony, and use the buttons above to contact your state representatives to ask them to support the Housing for Jobs Act!

Photo credit: Carrie Kisicki

Testimony: Maryland Single-Staircase Building Study (HB489)

Single-staircase buildings offer a potential solution to several of the housing challenges Maryland faces. Modern fire safety requirements and building materials make it possible to build single-staircase buildings safely, and this study will help us update our state’s housing policies to reflect these advances.

MD Testimony: HB38, School Zones and Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances

Providing sufficient housing that people can afford is essential to ensure that Maryland is providing opportunities for all to live and thrive in our communities. For this reason, we ask you to support HB 38.

HB 38 will provide information that will help Maryland better understand where education investments are most needed, and will prevent school capacity from becoming an indefinite barrier to needed housing production.

MD Testimony: Local Transit Sustainability Act, SB 20/HB 432

Testimony on SB 20

Local Transit Sustainability Act

Senate Budget & Taxation Committee

Date: January 27, 2025

Position: SUPPORT

The Coalition for Smarter Growth supports SB 20. Our organization advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all. 

The Locally Operated Transit Systems – Mandatory Funding – Inflation Adjustment (Local Transit Sustainability Act) will provide greater reliability to services on which many Maryland workers and residents depend.

‬Maryland is one of the top states in per capita transit ridership. In the area where our organization works, locally operated transit systems are essential:

  • Montgomery County Ride On served 18.5 million passenger trips last year. This was a 20% ridership increase from the previous year, and the second highest growth among mid-sized transit systems nationwide.
  • Prince George’s County The Bus serves 10,000 miles of routes in the county and 10,000 riders per day.

Despite recovering ridership and fare revenue since the pandemic, Maryland’s Locally Operated Transit Systems – and their many riders – depend on regular state support. 

SB 20 would provide predictability for local agencies and communities with needed adjustments for inflation. 

We ask for a favorable report for SB 20 by the committee. Thank you.

MD Testimony: Transportation Investment Priorities Act, HB 20 & SB 198

Testimony on SB 198

Transportation Investment Priorities Act of 2025

Senate Budget & Taxation Committee

Date: January 27, 2025

Position: SUPPORT

The Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) supports SB 198. Our organization advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all. The Transportation Investment Priorities Act will ensure Maryland’s transportation investments are aligned with state policy goals and that funding decisions are transparent and data driven.

We applaud MDOT’s current effort to modernize the Chapter 30 project scoring program. SB 198 would ensure that these efforts guide future administrations in spending Maryland’s transportation dollars wisely and with accountability.

In neighboring Virginia, the Smart Scale project funding and prioritization program is regarded as a national success story, because it has resulted in more cost effective projects and solutions. Equally important, because it doesn’t spread funds thinly across too many projects with the result that many never get built, SmartScale has ensured that the selected projects are fully funded and are built more expeditiously. These key components of Smart Scale are likewise contained in MDOT’s proposed administrative measures and SB 198 legislation to improve the Chapter 30 process.

SB 198 ensures consideration of land use, environmental impacts, and demand management solutions. It improves the connection between the state and localities to jointly ensure that local land use decisions are linked to transportation projects that the taxpayers can afford and make sense. At a time when tax resources are scarce, SB 198 will ensure that our state transportation dollars are spent wisely.

We ask for a favorable report for SB 198 by the committee. Thank you.

MD Testimony for Metro Funding Modification Act (HB 467 / SB 384)

Testimony on SB 384

Metro Funding Modification Act of 2025

Senate Budget & Taxation Committee

Date: January 27, 2025

Position: SUPPORT

The Coalition for Smarter Growth supports SB 384. Our organization advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all. 

The Metro Funding Modification Act will ensure that critical tri-state capital funding for WMATA is adjusted for inflation, contingent on similar commitments by the District of Columbia and Virginia. The WMATA rail, bus and paratransit systems are foundations of the economy and community livability of the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. 

WMATA has made significant progress in addressing its infrastructure and equipment state of good repair needs, thanks to the 2018 deal reached by Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia to provide $500 million annually in dedicated capital funding. However, this was not indexed to inflation, and WMATA’s lost purchasing power threatens to increase the deferred maintenance backlog in coming years. 

WMATA service today is faster, more frequent, and more reliable because of the three states’ investment in WMATA. WMATA strategic planning, maintenance, transparency, and communications are much improved, ridership is bouncing back strongly, and customer satisfaction is at an all-time high. Our Metro has also made our region more economically competitive by attracting and retaining cutting-edge companies and next generation employees. Vacancy rates for offices near Metro are significantly lower than in office parks, reflecting the desirability of Metro station locations.

However, without timely action by the State of Maryland (and its partners DC and Virginia), inadequate capital funding for Metro will result in declining service reliability, worsening customer experience, and increased safety risk. These risks threaten worker commutes, transit-oriented business centers in Montgomery and Prince George’s, and household affordability that underpin the economy and make these areas desirable places.

Maryland can be a regional leader by passing SB 384, making the common-sense step of indexing existing dedicated state Metro capital funding to inflation. 
We ask for a favorable report for SB 384 by the committee. Thank you.

MD Testimony in Support of HB 80 / SB 190 – Transit-oriented development bill

Testimony on HB 80

Land Use – Transit-Oriented Development – Alterations

House Environment and Transportation Committee

Date: January 27, 2025

Position: Support 

The Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) strongly supports HB 80. CSG advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all. HB 80 would facilitate transit-oriented development around Maryland rail stations and transit corridors. Below are some of the reasons why.

Transit-oriented development (TOD) plays a critical role in resolving two key Maryland challenges: housing and transportation – Workers and families benefit from expanded transportation and housing options – and greater affordability. 

  • Transit commuters typically save over $13,000 per year by driving less and owning fewer household cars. 
  • State-owned TOD sites could support 5,000 new housing units in the Baltimore region and 3,000 new housing units along the MARC Penn Line.

Maryland’s economy and state and local finances have benefitted greatly from TOD – and continued development of underutilized sites would add to these annual benefits

  • In the Maryland suburbs of DC, development just on WMATA-owned property at Metrorail stations provides $66 million annually in local and state tax revenue. Currently active projects in Maryland will result in an additional $51 million in annual tax revenue. A further 13 million square feet of joint development is planned by WMATA in Maryland.
  • WMATA estimates that full build-out of its available properties across the tri-state Metrorail system would provide $340 million in annual tax revenues and $8.6 billion in potential annual economic impact. Twenty-four out of the 40 stations with these development opportunities are located in Maryland.  
  • MARC Penn Line sites could generate $800 million in new state and local revenue. 

HB 80 would help ensure that legacy zoning provisions not intended for TOD sites do not stand in the way of market demand for accessibly located housing and services  – The bill would remove minimum parking requirements (allowing developers to decide) for transit-oriented developments within proximity of rail transit stations. This is considered a national best practice to ensure housing affordability and remove market obstacles.  

Lastly, in a period of state fiscal constraint, transit-oriented development is a transportation solution that often takes advantage of existing infrastructure, leverages private investment and provides significant returns.
We ask for a favorable report for HB 80 by the committee. Thank you.