Category: Event materials

Dan Reed’s Speech to CSG’s Smart Growth Social 2019

“Good evening! My name is Dan Reed, and I’m an urban planner at Toole Design Group and writer who’s been active in this community for over a decade. first off, I want to thank all of you for being here, for taking time out of your busy days to support the Coalition for Smarter Growth and all of the hard work they’ve done over the past 20-plus years to make this region a stronger, more sustainable, more equitable place and I’d also like to thank them for having me, and for moving up tonight’s event so you’ll have a chance to watch the big game at 9pm tonight — by which I mean the High Heel Race. 

“At first I was going to make a slideshow but I remembered how restless I get when there’s a speaker at events like this, so instead I’ll tell you what my slides would be about, and I’ll keep it quick. 

“A few months ago I was speaking in Montgomery County and someone in the audience told me that they’re 51 years old and have lived in 34 different places in their life. I was surprised by that, but I stopped to think about it and realized that, at 31, I’ve lived in 15 different houses. 

“I’ve lived in 15 different houses, in DC, in Maryland, in Pennsylvania. I’ve lived in garden apartments and high-rise apartments and a Canada Dry bottling plant converted to condominiums and a rowhouse converted to apartments and dorm rooms and a 1950s group house where we put out bowls to catch the roof leaks.

“The average walkscore is 46. The lowest walkscore was 21, in Suitland, in Prince George’s County, where I came home to after I was born. My mother bought this bright yellow townhouse in 1984 when she was 23, a bank teller with a high school degree who decided to trade in her Trans Am for a Honda Accord and head back to school. The highest was 90, in West Philadelphia, a Victorian rowhouse with a big front porch where I lived when I quit a good job and left everything and everyone I had ever known to live in a new place and go back to school myself.

“A house can be many things. It is a shelter, a container for the people and things you care about, a platform for building a life, a launchpad for hopes and dreams, a fine tether to a better life. A house can be a choice: the choice to take a risk to take a job to leave a job to start a family to step out on your own to try on a new place to return to your home town.

“A house gave my mother’s family a chance in this country when they emigrated here from the Caribbean, as my grandparents sent their thirteen children one by one to a studio apartment in a Columbia Heights still reeling from the 1968 riots. A house gave my dad a chance in this city when he moved here after college from rural North Carolina, led by an article in Black Enterprise magazine saying this was the best place for a young black person to make a life.

“A house gave my cousin a second chance when he got out of jail and put his life back together in the split-level my parents bought in Silver Spring, the same house I moved back to after school, three times, each one unemployed with nowhere to go.

“Every day people in this city in this region pour their blood sweat and tears out just to afford to live here, to build a life or a career or a family. And every day the simple goal of having a container for the people and things you care about gets farther and farther away, as prices skyrocket and as commutes lengthen. 

“The median home price in DC topped $600,000 this summer, and in the surrounding counties it isn’t much better. Home prices are three times what they were in 1990, and the Urban Institute found that nearly a half million households are at risk of displacement. They say we’ll need 374,000 new homes by 2030 to meet the chronic shortage of housing, a majority of which need to be priced for low- and moderate-income households.

“Meanwhile, the obstacles seem numerous. In Maryland, Montgomery County has effectively banned new homes in its most jobs- and transit-rich communities because of schools. In Virginia, real estate speculation in anticipation of Amazon’s HQ2 has raised concerns about displacement from working-class, inside-the-Beltway neighborhoods. And as DC mayor Muriel Bowser announced a plan to place affordable housing in all eight wards, thousands of homes are tied up in lawsuits from wealthy homeowners who care more about their needs than those of the community as a whole.

“Our housing crisis – the intertwined challenges of gentrification and displacement closer in, and disinvestment and sprawl further out – is really a social crisis, an economic crisis, and an environmental crisis. Instead of giving people more choices, we’re taking them away: if you’re on a budget, your choice is to pay an impossible sum to be near friends, family, school, jobs, and all of the things that make life good, or a punishing commute to the edges of the region for something you can afford. 

“And that is nothing short of a tragedy. It shouldn’t be a luxury to have a place to live in a neighborhood where you can walk and bike safely, access your daily needs, send your kids to decent schools, and be near the people you care about. Not that long ago, it wasn’t a luxury here.

“Just as I learned of the stories how my family came to this area, I’ve watched as friends and family leave for places where life just seems easier. Many of my relatives have left the region, or are planning to. Our family friends raised a family in Prince George’s County and moved to Raleigh, North Carolina because their kids couldn’t afford to raise families here, and they didn’t want to miss out on their grandchildren. 

“That’s why the work CSG does is so important. Each day, the hard working staff of this organization fights to make this region a place where people can afford to stay in the communities they care about, where people aren’t trapped in polluting, unhealthy car commutes, where our region can properly be the engine of social and economic opportunity that draws people from around the country and around the world to make their dreams come true. And they have built a community of supporters around this work.

“CSG has supported me throughout my career, going all the way back to 2012 when they graciously gave me a scholarship to travel to California to attend a transit conference. Over the past seven years, I’ve had the pleasure to work with Stewart, Cheryl, Jane, and many other current and former CSG staff who I all count among my friends, fighting for better transit, safer streets, affordable housing, and strong, accessible, diverse neighborhoods that give people – my people, my friends, my family – the chance to stay here.

“Fingers crossed, in three days my partner and I will be closing on house number 16, a townhome in East Silver Spring, where we’ll be close to our jobs (walking distance no less) and to all of the people we care about. For a long time I’d assumed it would never happen, that we would inevitably end up somewhere else, that every neighbor or elected official who railed against new people and new homes was a message that were didn’t belong here anymore, in the place where we grew up. I’m glad that I was wrong. I’m glad that we get to keep up the fight for everyone else who feels they don’t have a place here anymore, and I’m glad that CSG is here to keep up that fight. Thank you again, I hope you have a great night, and go Nats!”

Smart Growth Social 2019: Join us Oct. 29, buy your tickets now!

Smart Growth Social 2019: Join us Oct. 29, buy your tickets now!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019 @ 6:30 PM – 9 PM

Eastern Market North Hall, 225 7th St SE, Washington, DC 20003

Buy your tickets here!

You can also join our Host Committee ($250 donation) when you register.

We also offer individual and corporate sponsorships, view our sponsorship guide, and please contact Stewart Schwartz at 

The Smart Growth Social is the Coalition for Smarter Growth’s most popular party of the year! A fundraiser to celebrate the smart growth supporters and urbanists who embody the smart growth movement in our region, this annual event (now in its seventh year) attracts over 250 of the best and brightest urbanists, community activists and advocates, and professionals from across public service, urban planning, and transportation in the DC region.

With refreshments from DC’s craft beer scene and food from local eateries, there’s so much to enjoy about Smart Growth Social.

 If that weren’t enough, each year the event features a short TED-style talk from a star in the smart growth and urbanism fields. This year’s speaker is Dan Reed, urbanist, blogger, thought- leader. Dan is an advocate for sustainable and inclusive communities and a keen observer of our very diverse and changing suburbs. In addition to his blog, Just Up the Pike, Dan writes for Washingtonian Magazine, and is a planner at Toole Design Group, a real estate agent, and member of the editorial board of Greater Greater Washington.

Register for Smart Growth Social here!

Montgomery County Homeowner ADU Workshop

Thursday, November 14, 2019 @ 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Silver Spring Civic Center, Ellsworth Room, 1 Veterans Pl, Silver Spring, MD 20910

RSVP here!

Are you a homeowner in Montgomery County interested in building an accessory dwelling unit (ADU, also known as a granny flat, accessory apartment, or English basement)? Are you confused or intimidated by the process? Then, this is the event for you!
Come at 5:00 to get one-on-one guidance on building, designing, permitting, and financing your ADU. If you would like to discuss specifics about your project, please bring the required information (blueprints, financials, etc.).
The workshop will kick-off at 6:00 pm, with an introduction from CSG’s Maryland Advocacy Manager Jane Lyons and a welcome from Montgomery County Councilmember Hans Riemer, followed by short presentations on:
  • Zoning: Montgomery Planning Department
  • Licensing and code enforcement: Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  • Permitting: Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services
  • Financing: Fannie Mae
  • Design and building codes: Ileana Schinder, architect
  • Construction: Hopkins and Porter
  • ADU Programs for Low-Income Homeowners: John Paukstis, President & CEO, Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland

The presentations will be followed with a question and answer session, moderated by CSG Maryland Advocacy Manager Jane Lyons with a panel of the above presenters.

The event is free, but registration is required due to limited space!

Travel Information: The Silver Spring Civic Center is located in downtown Silver Spring, with close proximity to the Silver Spring Metro station and many nearby WMATA and RideOn bus lines. If driving, the closest parking garages are Town Square Garage (801 Ellsworth Dr) and Wayne Avenue Garage (921 Wayne Ave).

This event is brought to you in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland and Ileana Schinder, PLLC.


Photo credit:

Making DC’s Buses the Best: A forum on the first performance-based D.C. Bus Report Card and next steps for faster, more reliable bus service for all.

Join us for the release of the first D.C. Bus Report Card. A short presentation will be followed by an interactive discussion with leading decision-makers, transit experts, and advocates sharing ideas on how to make D.C.’s bus system the best way to travel on city streets.

WHEN: July 10, 2019, 6:30-8:30 pm

WHERE: Georgetown University’s Downtown Campus, 640 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, D.C.

There is no charge to attend this event, but pre-registration is required.

Representatives from the Coalition for Smarter Growth and Metro Hero will present the results of the first ever performance-based report card for D.C. buses and a panel of local experts will discuss how this assessment ties in with other studies being done to improve the bus. The panel will include Councilmember Mary Cheh, DDOT Director Jeff Marootian,   and representatives from WMATA,  TransitCenter, and the Greater Washington Partnership.  Uwe Brandes, of the Georgetown Urban & Regional Planning Program will moderate.

Join us on July 10 to learn about new ideas and next steps to improve bus service in the District and hear updates on current projects at DC Department of Transportation and Metro!  Through this discussion, we hope to inspire public involvement and support for the best possible bus service in the District of Columbia and the National Capital Region.

Co-hosted by: Coalition for Smarter Growth, MetroHero and Georgetown SCS Urban & Regional Planning Program

photo credit: Cheryl Cort

ADU Homeowner Workshop
