Category: Testimony & Letters

Testimony to restore capital funding to the Bicycle Pedestrian Priority Areas

While Bicycle Pedestrian Priority Areas were first created 20 years ago by state legislation, the program has been slow to start. Now, as driving has begun to decline in the county over the last decade and rates of walking, cycling, and transit use in the county have been on the rise, it’s more important than ever to ensure it is safe and comfortable to walk, cycle, and take transit. Last year, people driving struck 483 people who were walking in the county – 60 more people than in 2013. We have much more work to do.

Testimony to WMATA Board Regarding FY2016 Budget

This is why we so strongly support Metro’s rehabilitation programs and Metro Momentum, beginning with the investment in 8-car trains and downtown station capacity. It’s also why we — and 80% of those you polled — support increasing state and local investment to meet Metro’s full operating budget shortfall, rather than include $46 million in fare increases and service cuts.

Support for BZA Case Number 18866 – 1108 16th Street, NW

We wish to express our support for the proposed reduced parking to a total of 4 spaces to serve the redevelopment project at 1108 16th Street, NW which will provide office space and 15 residences, while preserving the historic façade of the original building. Given the awkward site and preserved historic features, the reduced parking is reasonable relief, especially for such an accessible location. 

State Transportation Priority Letter to Montgomery Co. Council

State law governing the priority letter process “requires MDOT and the local jurisdictions seeking project funding to demonstrate the relationship between prioritized projects and the long-term goals of the Maryland Transportation Plan and local land use plans.” The goals of the Maryland Transportation Plan focus on safety for all users, system preservation, and environmental conservation.

Letter to DC Zoning Commission opposing downzoning to prevent popups

RE: Opinion on Case No. 14-11 (Office of Planning–Text Amendments to Chapters 1 & 4: Definition of Mezzanine and R-4 Zones) CSG agrees with the intent of the Office of Planning’s (OP) proposed amendment to ensure compatibility of new development with existing development in R-4 neighborhoods. However, upon review of the proposal we believe that certain modifications would help to better align the amendment with this intent. Further, in a time when strong demand to live in the city is leasing to increased housing prices, we are
concerned that this proposal could have the adverse effect of constricting housing…

Aligning the Rockville School Standards with Montgomery County’s School Standards

Young people and families increasingly want to live in walkable, transit-accessible communities like Rockville, with its mix of both old and new walkable neighborhoods. Empty-nesters looking to downsize are looking for new housing options that allow them to stay in and continue to contribute to the community. 

Official Comments on 2014 Rt. 1 / Richmond Hwy transit study

Thank you for your hard work advancing the Route 1/Richmond Highway transit study. Throughout the process we have made specific recommendations for the transit mode, design and operational configuration of Route 1, and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure, along with emphasizing the need to integrate affordable housing, land use, and environmental restoration into the plans. We are pleased to see that the study recommends dedicated lane transit for the vast majority of the corridor and proposes a future Metrorail option for the northern portion.