Category: Loudoun & Prince William

Review of the Loudoun Countywide Transportation Plan

Review of the Loudoun Countywide Transportation Plan

Smart Mobility, Inc. has been retained by the Citizens for a Countywide Transportation Plan to provide an independent review of the proposed Loudoun County Transportation Plan (CTP). This review encompasses both a preliminary critique of the Loudoun County Transportation Model (LCTM) which is the basis for the plans recommendations, and on the plan’s effectiveness in supporting the county’s overall goals of more sustainable and compact land use forms as stated in the Loudoun Comprehensive Plan.

Region’s Longest Commutes Show Need for Smart Growth and Transit

Today’s Washington Post (A-1, “A Dubious Distinction: The Longest Ride in the U.S.”) reports on Census Bureau data showing that residents of parts of Prince William and Prince George’s Counties have some of the longest average commutes in the nation. Key issues highlighted in the article: