The platform for the Montgomery County Better Buses Coalition.
Tag: moco better buses

ACTION ALERT: Take action to support funding for bus riders!
Our Montgomery Better Buses coalition of nearly 30 organizations is pushing for investments in Bus Rapid Transit construction, bus lanes, free fares, pre-pandemic service, and electrification.
Let’s keep Ride On free!
Did you know that Ride On has been free since March 2020? We’ve successfully advocated for the emergency free fare program to be extended twice, and now the County Council is going to decide whether or not to make it permanent.

The Case for Fare Free Ride On
Fare-free public transit has recently gained momentum across the globe. As of 2018, there were 97 cities and towns with fully fare-free public transit, mostly in Europe. There are 27 fare-free systems in the United States, “mostly in small towns and colleges.” Reasons for this move include climate, congestion, equity, and economic development.
RELEASE: Campaign for better buses in Mont. Co. launches at noon, 25+ orgs support
Today, over 25 organizations will launch a campaign advocating for better bus service in Montgomery County.
MEDIA ADVISORY: 20+ organizations to announce campaign to reimagine bus service in Montgomery County
Over 20 organizations will hold an event to launch a campaign for better Ride On and Metrobus service in Montgomery County.

CSG Sign-on Letter: Ride On & COVID-19
Thank you for your work in suspending Ride On fares thus far during the novel coronavirus crisis. This has protected transit workers and riders, ensuring that transit can continue to operate as an essential public service.
ACTION: Let’s make sure bus rapid transit in Montgomery a success!
Montgomery County has planned an ambitious 82-mile bus rapid transit (BRT) network, which would be a major step towards the county’s greenhouse gas emission reduction and economic development goals.
CSG Testimony regarding 355 BRT alternatives review and selection
We support a robust bus rapid transit system on MD 355 and urge the Planning Board to recommend a combination of Alternatives B and C.
CSG in the news: Montgomery County begins construction of 14-mile Bus Rapid Transit line
Pete Tomao, an advocate with the Coalition for Smarter Growth, said the Montgomery BRT line will not only bring badly needed transit enhancements to the corridor, but will serve as a model for the region.