Catch up on what’s happening with the new County Council and how we aim to advance our priorities this year! We’ll discuss our top issues: transit-oriented development & zoning, complete streets, better transit, and housing opportunities for all.
Tag: rise prince george's
Better buses for Prince George’s: What does better bus service look like?
Join us for a pivotal discussion about what’s next for better bus service in Prince George’s County and the region.

EVENT: How traffic engineers can design streets for transit-oriented development
On June 1, 2022, RISE Prince George’s and CSG hosted on online discussion with Randy Dittberner, PE, PTOE (formerly with Virginia Dept. of Transportation).

Better Buses for Prince George’s

On July 20, 2021, local and regional bus experts, along with stakeholders discussed where we are and where we want to be with Prince George’s bus service.
View the event recording on YouTube.
Speaker presentations:
Anthony Foster, Chief, Transit Planning, Prince George’s County Department of Public Works & Transportation
James Hamre, Director, Office of Bus Planning and Scheduling, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
John Hillegass, Manager, Regional Mobility & Infrastructure, Greater Washington Partnership
This event was co-sponsored by: RISE Prince George’s, Coalition for Smarter Growth, and MetroNow.

RISE Prince George’s 5/18/21 event with Angie Rodgers
On May 18, 2021, RISE Prince George’s convened a virtual event to discuss the future of housing & economic development in the County. The talk was titled: “We can’t have quality economic development without affordable housing: so how do we get it all?” with:
Angie Rodgers, Prince George’s Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Economic Development, and Scott Nordheimer, Co-Founder and Senior Advisor, Urban Atlantic (lead developer at the New Carrollton Metro Station)
View the recording of the event on Youtube.
Take the survey: Please answer this brief survey to let us know more about what you want from RISE Prince George’s.
RISE Prince George’s event with Angie Rodgers – Materials
RISE Prince George’s PPT discussion of mission statement and advocacy theme
New Carrollton Station vision
Housing Opportunities for All Work Group
Housing Indicator Tool: A Dashboard for Measuring Progress Towards Meeting Regional Housing Needs
Missing Middle Housing study: to begin in FY22