Thanks to all those who took action and voiced support for creating a more inclusive, diverse, sustainable, and vibrant Chevy Chase DC. On July 12th, the DC Council voted unanimously to adopt the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan.
The plan guides change so that new buildings are designed to be compatible with the existing urban environment and create a vibrant public realm. The plan also facilitates the construction of deeply affordable housing at the civic core, along with affordable homes created through affordable inclusionary zoning (IZ) at private sites. We should all be proud to have helped guide the plan along and win approval at the DC Council!
This action puts in motion several next steps:
- Planning for the redevelopment of the civic core where the city will rebuild a new community center, library and add affordable housing. This could start up in September – so stay engaged! It’s our best opportunity to get a substantial amount of deeply affordable housing.
- Creating a form-based zone to guide a high-quality public realm by regulating the physical form of the buildings. We expect this to get going later this or early next year.
- Launching planning for other Ward 3 neighborhoods: Friendship Heights, and Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines from Cleveland Park to Woodley Park. Sign up to receive notices about upcoming events by DC Office of Planning.
Take a virtual tour and fill out the online survey for the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines (closes August 14).
We want to give special recognition to Ward3Vision, our local partners who have engaged every step of the way, hosted events, created a 30 year vision for the corridor, and helped shape the final small area plan. Thanks also to other partners including Historic Chevy Chase DC.
Watch for upcoming events about how you can stay involved. Our efforts are paying off! We are making a difference and making Ward 3 more equitable and walkable.