Author: Emily Maurer

CSG Comments to TPB on Climate Action

October 21, 2020 

Hon. Kelly Russell  

Chair, National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board 

President Pro Tem, Frederick Board of Aldermen 

Re: Comments on need TPB climate action steps, travel survey, and transit-oriented centers  Dear Chair Russell, 

We are deeply concerned that TPB staff are not committing to VMT-reduction strategies in their input to  the update of the COG climate plan. We have submitted comments to the CEEPC that apply equally to  our input to the TPB Visualize2045 update. 

TPB’s climate approach, as outlined in the October 15 memo by director Srikanth, is to focus on fuel  efficient car standards, vehicle electrification, and the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI). Of the  “bold, system-wide actions” the memo says are needed, there is no mention of regional strategies to  reduce VMT. As detailed in the Driving Down Emissions report by SGA, EVs are not enough, and land use,  urban design, and transit are essential for reducing VMT and transportation emissions, meeting our  climate targets, and achieving equity, public health, and livability. 

COG is setting a very ambitious goal for electrification in its draft climate plan, assuming that 34% of  light passenger vehicles on the road in 2030 will be electric. California’s analyses show that even with  significant adoption of EVs, rising VMT will cause rising emissions. Therefore, the CEAP and TPB need  additional bold actions:  

1. Set even stronger targets for housing and job growth in High-Capacity Transit (HCT) station  areas by prioritizing close-in, walkable, mixed-use Activity Centers with high-frequency transit,  and addressing the E-W economic and racial divide. 

2. Make affordable housing in TOD locations a key part of the land use strategy, with specific goals  and strategies. 

3. Set clear targets to significantly reduce total and per capita VMT below the 2030 and 2050  baselines and increase non-auto mode shares well above baselines.  

4. Include strategies to price existing lanes in congested travel markets rather than adding more  HOT lanes and price parking across the region. 

Your Travel Survey highlights the benefits of transit-oriented communities. The Core and Activity  Centers have very high commute walk, bike, transit mode share, and very good non-commute mode  shares. But major suburbs still have far to go on TOD, and recent road expansions are not helping. 

We commend your Transit-Oriented Communities initiative, but urge you to place overwhelming priority  in Visualize 2045 on transit, local street networks, and bike/pedestrian infrastructure, while slashing  new highway capacity. We have just one decade to act on the climate crisis. 

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director

RELEASE: CSG hails today’s Driving Down Emissions report – calls for DC area action


For Immediate Release:

October 14, 2020


Stewart Schwartz, 703-599-6437

CSG hails new national climate, land use, and transportation report and issues a Call to Action to regional elected officials

Today, Smart Growth America (SGA) released Driving Down Emissions demonstrating that where and how we grow (i.e. land use and community design) is the critical piece for reducing emissions from transportation. CSG welcomed the report and issued a call to action to regional elected officials to act on their promises and move faster to implement more sustainable land use and transportation in order to fight climate change.

“We welcome this definitive report from SGA,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. We’ve campaigned in the DC region for over two decades for a strong core city and regional network of walkable, transit-oriented communities – a regional vision validated by the findings of the SGA report. Our vision has been embraced by the Council of Governments (COG) and most local officials, and we’ve seen a strong shift to these transportation-efficient communities — but much more work needs to be done AND faster if we are going to do our part to slash emissions.”

“The SGA report highlights that transportation is now the number one source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Its share is even higher in the DC region where 34% of our greenhouse gas emissions are generated by on-road vehicles, and as illustrated by the SGA report it’s the location and design of development that is playing the central role in the amount of driving and emissions,” said Bill Pugh, Senior Policy Fellow for CSG.

“The DC region is at a literal crossroads. Right now, major land use and transportation decisions before our elected officials will determine whether this region fuels more sprawl, driving, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and worsens racial and social equity, OR chooses the course committed to at COG — to invest in transit-oriented development, transit and more affordable housing close to jobs and transit, to address racial and economic inequity, and reduce emissions,” said Jane Lyons, Maryland Advocacy Manager for CSG.

“Massive highway expansion such as the high-occupancy toll lanes in Virginia and Maryland, the recently approved Route 28 bypass in Prince William, and numerous arterial road widenings will mean more driving and emissions, and more spread-out development,” said Sonya Breehey, Virginia Advocacy Manager for CSG. “This must end.”

“Failure to incentivize and prioritize development at Metro stations and in aging commercial corridors will mean failure to reduce driving and emissions,” said Cheryl Cort, Policy Director for CSG. “Meanwhile approving more sprawling development in Prince William’s Rural Crescent or in rural areas in outer suburbs located 30 miles or more from the core of the DC region will mean even more driving and emissions,” said Breehey.

Driving Down Emissions summarizes decades of studies showing that highway expansion actually creates more traffic: “New highways, roads, and lanes induce more driving (VMT), which leads to more emissions and ultimately more congestion, a feedback loop referred to as “induced demand.” A recent study suggests driving increases in exact proportion with increases in lane-mileage—a 10 percent increase in lane miles can lead to a 10 percent increase in driving.”

“SGA offers five recommendations for how we can grow equitably and efficiently to reduce vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions. This region offers examples, which we highlight below, for how we are trying to do this but also examples where we are falling short,” said Pugh.


1) Meet the demand for homes in walkable, compact neighborhoods

  • Last fall, thanks to years of CSG advocacy, our region adopted a set of regional housing targets to ensure that enough housing is produced by 2030 and that 75% of new units are located in Regional Activity Centers or near high-capacity transit. (MWCOG board resolution, September 11, 2019) 
  • While this is a good start, not all Regional Activity Centers are walkable or compact. Households in the Gainesville activity center in Prince William County, VA drive between 23,000 and 25,000 miles per year on average, while those in the mixed-use Mosaic District of Fairfax County, walking distance from the Metro, drive on average 15,000 to 16,000 miles per year. Households across the entire District of Columbia drive 12,000 miles per year on average, and the share of DC residents who walk, bike and take transit to work is well over 50% of all work trips.
  • The COG 2019 State of the Commute Report shows that 75% of workers in outer suburban locations drive alone to work compared with only 37% in the region’s core jurisdictions (DC, Alexandria, Arlington). 58% of commuters in the core commuted by transit, walking or biking. (MWCOG).

2) Build safer, walkable streets

  • CSG and partners have campaigned for Vision Zero, including street design changes necessary to end deaths and serious injuries for all users.
  • Many local jurisdictions have adopted Vision Zero and Complete Streets policies, added protected bike lanes, and traffic calming, but much more needs to be done as pedestrian deaths in particular continue to increase.
  • Among the many local places we are working, we are currently campaigning in Fairfax for redesign of Richmond Highway (Route 1) and reducing the speed from 45 mph to 35 mph. In this year alone, four people have been killed walking along or trying to cross Richmond Highway.
  • Unfortunately, jurisdictions in the DC region are lagging counterpart regions in Europe and the U.S. in implementing protected bicycle lanes, dedicated bus lanes, and shared streets for people — a need spotlighted during the pandemic.

3) Set targets for VMT and GHG emissions reductions

  • The regional Council of Governments is currently updating its Climate and Energy Action Plan and looking for ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 50% below 2005 levels by 2030. We probably need to do even more, and this is a crucial opportunity to set clear targets for reducing both total and per capita vehicle miles traveled to meet our 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal.
  • As detailed in the SGA report, numerous studies have shown that more fuel efficient or fully electric vehicles are not sufficient to meet our transportation climate goals, and we must also reduce the need to drive. The region’s next climate plan and next update of its long-range transportation plan must clearly show how we do this.

4) Provide transportation options and make transit a priority

  • CSG campaigned successfully for the first-ever dedicated funding for Metro with business allies in the MetroNow coalition and is campaigning for Better Buses — focusing on frequent, reliable, and affordable service. CSG won additional funding in Virginia for transit when the state transportation funding structure was amended earlier this year.
  • The Transportation Planning Board, the states of Maryland and Virginia, the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority and many local governments, are still far too focused on expanding road capacity. 

5) Prioritize connecting people to destinations

  • We’ve learned that accessibility to daily needs is more important than long-distance “mobility.” DC, Arlington, Alexandria, Bethesda, Silver Spring, Falls Church, Tysons and the Mosaic District all show that proximity matters. Creating walkable, bike-friendly, mixed-use communities with frequent transit means that people can drive less and meet their daily needs.
  • The 2016 GreenPlace study by CSG A study of five transit-oriented projects in DC showed daily household VMT and CO2 output per household to be far lower than regional averages. The analysis found that the TOD projects averaged 17 to 25.5 daily VMT per household and 16-25 lbs of daily carbon output per household, compared to regional averages of 45 daily VMT and 69.4 lbs daily carbon output. 
  • The 2010 CSG Cooler Communities study found that a development site with high walkability, mix of uses, and frequent transit service will have reduced CO2 emissions compared with a less accessible site, including in our suburbs. In addition, location, not just design, of development makes a huge difference. Hypothetical relocation of TOD projects to non-TOD suburban locations in the DC region increased CO2 emissions. Conversely, hypothetically relocating a non-TOD suburban development to a suburban TOD location reduced CO2 emissions. For example, the New Carrollton Transit District Plan reduced CO2 emissions by 11.2% when compared against relocating the plan build-out to auto-dependent Konterra. 

A note about the pandemic and telecommuting:

The rise in telecommuting is expected to endure and will represent an estimated 10-15% reduction in work trips after the pandemic. This adds to further support for an end to highway expansion. However, most daily trips will continue to be non-work trips, but this reinforces the need to make all communities more walkable with nearby access to goods, services, and recreation. 

CSG’s Call to Action in the DC Region:

“Unfortunately, we have much more to do in the DC region if we are going to drive down emissions to the levels necessary to stem climate change,” said Schwartz. Among the actions we need from our elected officials are:

1) Every local government needs to accelerate and incentivize transit-oriented development, supported by their state governments. The “Connect Greater Washington” study shows that TOD buildout will maximize the efficiency and farebox recovery for Metro, while reducing vehicle miles traveled and land lost to parking.

2) Every level of government should treat funding for affordable housing as a top infrastructure priority. $100 million for affordable housing near jobs and transit is worth far more than $100 million spent on another ineffective interchange. Housing that is affordable and in the right locations reduces driving and increases walking, biking and transit use, provides family security and health benefits, and results in better educational outcomes for children, while also driving down emissions.

3) Suburban and rural jurisdictions need to stem sprawl, protect farms, forests and rural landscapes that secure our drinking water, while focusing growth in existing towns, and ensuring new communities are compact, built on a grid of local streets, and connected to transit.

4) The next Council of Governments regional Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan needs to cancel hundreds of lane miles of highway and arterial expansion and shift the funding to transit, local street networks, and bicycle pedestrian investment that support transit-oriented communities. The same is true for the next Northern Virginia Transportation Authority regional plan and state and local jurisdiction plans.

5) Every level of government needs to stop using vehicle level of service and “congestion reduction” as metrics for deciding what transportation investments to make. These measures ignore the real problem of induced demand and make our communities unwalkable and unlivable, leading to more driving and emissions.

“The SGA report confirms what officials in the DC region know and what the vast majority have committed to at COG and at the local level. We need every local elected official to follow-through on these commitments if we are going to grow sustainably, equitably and competitively, and beat climate change in the process,” concluded Schwartz.


Smart Growth Social 2020 Photo Contest

Smart Growth Social will look different this year, but we know the best part is always the networking with fellow creative and committed supporters of better communities. So, we’ll have: 

1) Breakouts to give us all a chance to catch-up and share stories. 

2) A photo contest featuring your favorite examples of placemaking, safe streets, good urban design, mixed-income housing and more.

For the photo contest, the sky’s the limit — we just want to take a moment to appreciate the progress in our communities, even amid these difficult times. Here’s how it will work:

  1. Submit your photos to by COB, Thursday, October 22nd. 
  2. Use jpeg format and include the following:
    1. Your name
    2. Date and location of the photo
  3. Photographs should be shared with us with accordance to the terms of Creative Commons attribution licensing standard CC-BY 4.0. as is the case with the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool.
  4. Our review committee will select the standouts for sharing in the breakout where you’ll be able to vote on your favorites.
  5. There will be prizes for the best images from each breakout session! 

Our big fall event and lots of updates!

We hope you and your family are well. Please join us for our annual Smart Growth Social, don’t forget to vote, and read on to catch up on the latest in your smart growth community.

Smart Growth Social

Our annual Smart Growth Social (virtual edition) is October 28th at 7pm via Zoom! Join us to hear Beth Osborne of Transportation for America, network in social breakouts, and enjoy a photo contest to celebrate the best of smart growth in our communities. For more details visit the SGS webpage. Register here. If you or your organization is interested in sponsoring the event or joining the host committee, click here.

Don’t forget to VOTE!

Today is the last day to register in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Between mail-in voting, early voting, and ballot dropboxes, there are more options than ever before. Identify what works best for you, and make your voice heard! And don’t forget that there are key ballot initiatives on many local ballots — highlighted below.

A climate agenda

Photo credit: Jane Lyons

Last month we introduced Bill Pugh, our Senior Policy Fellow, who is leading our climate agenda. We know transportation is the largest source of carbon emissions, and reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is key. Bill is crafting our advocacy agenda to work with policymakers to reduce VMT and carbon emissions. 

Fighting for an inclusive Comprehensive Plan in DC 

Room for more housing proposed from Friendship Heights to Tenleytown.

It’s not over yet! We’re still fighting to ensure vital amendments to the DC Comprehensive Plan are adopted before the end of the year — for a greater diversity of housing options for different income levels. Tell Chairman Mendelson you want to see these changes passed in 2020! 

  • Meanwhile, join our forum on the DC Comp Plan and transportation, October 22nd at 5:30pm, co-hosted with Young Transportation Professionals-DC, featuring Andrew Trueblood, Director of DC Office of Planning, Gabe Klein, former director of DDOT and founding Partner of Cityfi; and our Policy Director Cheryl Cort. RSVP
  • Testify to win! We’re also co-hosting a testimony workshop with partners October 27th at 4pm. You’ll learn more about the Comp Plan and how to effectively testify at the  DC Council virtual hearings November 12th and 13th. RSVP here and sign up to testify here.
  • Our Better DC Buses campaign with partners is bearing fruit. DDOT accelerated its Bus Priority Program (notice more red painted bus lanes). Join us at DDOT’s moveDC meetings October 13 or 15 to support better buses and safer, more sustainable and equitable transportation. 
  • And don’t forget to vote! DC has two open, at-large Council seats and two dozen candidates! The Post profiled the race here. There’s also a ballot initiative to decriminalize the use of psychedelic plants

Fighting for a better future in Maryland

  • A win for smart growth! We supported Bill 29-20 in Montgomery County, which passed 7 to 2. It creates a 15-year tax abatement for development on WMATA owned land at Metro stations, with up to15% of affordable units. The bill is expected to spur up to 8,600 new homes at Metro including 1,300 affordable homes.
  • Just around the corner — public hearings on the update to Montgomery County’s general plan, Thrive 2050RSVP for our testimony workshop with Montgomery for All on October 15th at 7pm to learn how to effectively communicate your desires for the future of the county.
  • The Council is discussing the Subdivision Staging Policy, and you can still send a message asking them to repeal the harmful and outdated housing moratorium here.
  • There are four critical ballot initiatives in Montgomery County regarding the makeup of the County Council and property tax caps. We encourage you to vote yes on Questions A & C and no on Questions B & D; more information can be found here.
  • Participate in the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan, via an online listening session tonight,  and fill out the survey here. To stay updated, sign up for the plan e-letter here and visit Montgomery Planning’s website here.
  • The Purple Line, and the economic benefits it would bring to Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties, are in flux after a judge ruled that private contractors could abandon the job. Work has halted, but after a major advocacy push Governor Hogan has committed to the project’s completion. Read more in this piece featuring quotes from our Maryland Advocacy Manager Jane Lyons. 

Fighting for safer and more sustainable transportation in Virginia

  • First the ballot initiatives: There are 2 State Constitutional Amendments. Question 1 would move redistricting authority from the General Assembly to a bipartisan redistricting commission composed of eight legislators and eight citizens. Question 2 would provide disabled veterans a tax exemption for one vehicle.
  • In addition to the constitutional amendments the following NoVA localities have bond initiatives, and one special election: 
    • Fairfax County:Transportation (Metro), Parks, Schools, Health and Human Services, and Libraries 
    • Arlington CountyStormwater, Schools, Transportation (Metro + other), Parks/Rec and County infrastructure
    • City of Falls ChurchA special election to fill unexpired term for one council seat
    • Loudoun CountySchools, public safety, and transportation 
  • Fairfax County wants to improve Fairfax Connector Franconia/Springfield bus service with faster, more frequent service, and improved accessibility. If you ride in this area, learn more here and fill out the survey by October 16th.
  • VDOT wants to widen the Beltway to extend toll lanes between Tysons and the GW Parkway. But increased telecommuting could permanently reduce peak trips, and with climate change increasingly apparent, we must rethink massive highway expansions. Ask VDOT to put the 495Next project on hold to consider better alternatives.
  • We are partners in the fight for an effective solution for Route 28 in Prince William. Together we’ve proposed a parallel street network that will revitalize the Yorkshire area, include bus rapid transit, and improved safety. The Prince William Board, and NVTAuthority, voted instead for a new bypass that will take up to 50 homes, harm drinking water, and fuel more traffic. See our joint press release.  
  • Four people have died walking along Richmond Highway (Route 1) this year alone. We’re pressing for design changes and reducing the speed limit from 45 to 35 mph to make Route 1 a safer place to walk, bike, and drive. These steps could reduce fatal crashes by 40%. Tell VDOT you support a safer Richmond Highway!

We hope to see you on October 28th at 7pm for Smart Growth Social. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy!

CPA Route 28 Alternative 4 Recommendation

September 4, 2020

Board of County Supervisors

Prince William County

1 County Complex Court

Prince William, VA 22192

Dear Supervisors:

We support your August 4, 2020 decision to adopt Alternative 4 on the Route 28 Corridor Study.

A Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) is now required to revise outdated language, such as that referenced in Table 2 – Thoroughfare Plan Summary in the Transportation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan (PW-3 Tri-County Parkway/Route 28 Bypass).

The benefits of such a considerable investment in transportation infrastructure should not be limited to efforts moving drive-alone commuters faster to jobs outside the County. In the initiation of the CPA to advance Alternative 4, we encourage you to articulate your goals for concurrently planning for economic development, land use, affordable access to jobs and housing, and cleaner, multimodal transportation improvements.

The CPA should:
1) require assessing how investment in Route 28 mobility can be leveraged to spur economic revitalization; and
2) clarify that the “purpose and need” of Route 28 improvements is to increase local multimodal mobility, create a more walkable and transit-oriented corridor, reduce pollution, and facilitate the creation of local jobs and equitable access to them.   

To more quickly access some funding previously allocated to the Route 28 corridor project by the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) [ $89 million, total], we suggest the CPA divide Alternative 4 into two phases.  

  • Phase One – Focus on widening the Route 28 bridge across Bull Run, adding bike/pedestrian and future transit capacity as part of the widening, and smoothing traffic flow north to Compton Road. That capacity expansion should qualify for use of the NVTA funding allocation.
  • Phase Two – Focus more broadly to include consideration of additional vehicle and bus/HOV lanes on existing Route 28 or the Well Street Extended corridor, to stimulate development of a walkable and transit-oriented corridor in the Yorkshire area, and to move more people within and through the corridor.  

Phase Two would be the time frame in which to combine detailed, localized land use planning and placemaking for Yorkshire, together with changes in transportation infrastructure. These functions warrant further analysis.  

The Route 28 Corridor Study prioritized the analysis of Alignment 2B only. Alternative 4 was not given sufficient focus and detail during the two years after completion of the prior Feasibility Study.  

The CPA process should ensure consideration of an approach to “widening” the Route 28 corridor by building new lanes using the Well Street Extended corridor, approximately 400 feet west of existing Route 28, similar to the Mathis Ave alignment in the City of Manassas. 

New capacity in the corridor, paired with the STARS Study recommended improvements on the existing four lanes of Route 28, may adequately reduce traffic congestion as well as enhance economic and community development and retention of existing businesses. There are more beneficial ways to upgrade mobility, besides the approach used to widen Route 1 which required extensive business displacements.

“Mobility” means more than “move cars.” The CPA should require evaluating opportunities for enhanced walkability and bus transit to maximize movement while sustainably reducing congestion and travel times.  

Though Yorkshire today lacks even OmniRide service, transit on Route 28 is not a new idea. Since 2008, the Comprehensive Plan has proposed building light rail from Manassas to Dulles. 

The NVTA TransAction plan approved in 2017 also includes a Route 28 High Capacity Transit project to “Construct High Capacity Transit along Route 28 corridor and implement service between Dulles Town Center and the City of Manassas. Alternative modes for further study include BRT and LRT.” 

Prince William County must continue to plan smarter, to ensure that high-cost transportation upgrades concurrently spur local jobs and create more walkable places with reduced per capita driving.  

We appreciate your thoughtfulness in evaluating the wide range of concerns before rejecting Alignment 2B.  We look forward to the Flat Branch stream valley now becoming a linear park with trails connecting the adjacent neighborhoods, and for Yorkshire planning to demonstrate how transportation improvements can be coordinated with land use, economic development, placemaking, and the creation of affordable housing. 

Revitalizing the Yorkshire area will promote social, cultural, and environmental sustainability and neighborhood economic resiliency, while providing new job opportunities, maintaining the sense of community, and offering affordable housing. This is the direction of smart growth planning needed. 

Placemaking collectively reimagines and revitalizes public spaces in a community. Community participation in developing the Yorkshire revitalization plan is imperative in order to capitalize on the community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, thereby resulting in the creation of a quality public space that contributes to equity, health and well-being. 


Active Prince William

Coalition for Smarter Growth

Piedmont Environmental Council

Prince William Conservation Alliance

Sierra Club, Virginia Chapter

Southern Environmental Law Center

An Invitation to Our Supporters

September 29, 2020

Dear CSG donors:

We hope you, your family and coworkers are well during this difficult time. We have much to share with you about CSG, our policy work, and our plans for our annual Smart Growth Social.

Smart Growth Social has always been an important event for inspiring supporters of walkable, inclusive urban places, and while this will have to be a “Zoom” social, we believe it will be helpful, restorative and inspiring! Our special guest speaker will be Beth Osborne, Director of Transportation for America, the transportation arm of Smart Growth America. This year’s event will take place on Wednesday, October 28th from 7 to 8:30 pm.

As we strive for a better future, among the reforms we need is a new federal transportation program that prioritizes transit, safe streets, racial equity, health, and fighting climate change, and Beth has been our inspiring national leader on improving the federal program. A former Acting Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy at USDOT, with extensive experience on the Hill, Beth has led her team to produce groundbreaking studies of American transportation and much needed reforms. The next federal 6-year transportation bill will be the most consequential of our time, and in a rapid-paced 15 minutes, Beth will lay out our call to action!

But we know you also come to Smart Growth Social for the networking with fellow creative and committed supporters of better communities. So, we’ll have breakouts to give us all a chance to catch-up and share stories. At the heart of this year’s event will be a photo contest featuring your favorite examples of placemaking, safe streets, good urban design, mixed-income housing and more. We’ll encourage all attendees to come to the Zoom with great examples from your communities, which you can post as your Zoom background wallpaper. Then in the breakouts we’ll not only catch up with each other, we’ll talk about the photos and vote on our favorites, reporting out to the full group. First prize in each category will be a gift certificate from your favorite local restaurant.

Registration: Please register here.

Donations: We are not setting a ticket price this year, but when you register, we welcome your donations at the $10, $15, $25, $50, $100, or whatever works best for you.

Host Committee: We also welcome supporters to join our Host Committee at the $250 level. Learn more here.

Sponsorships: We welcome business and individual sponsorships at the $500 level and above. Learn more here.

Your support is important!

Your support for the Coalition for Smarter Growth is what keeps our team in the field. With our policy advocacy expertise and experience, commitment to partnerships, relationships with decisionmakers, and outreach to the community, we fight for and win positive change.

With this letter we are starting early on our end-of-year fundraising push. Individual and corporate donations represent 50% of our annual budget and we depend on your support. We recognize it’s a challenging year for so many in terms of supporting the non-profit groups that you love, but our work to save transit, make affordable housing a top local and state priority, make streets safer, and create inclusive, sustainable communities to address racial inequity, health, and climate change – particularly in our suburbs, is more important than ever.

Earlier this month we shared important updates via our email newsletter on our work over the summer and our ongoing campaigns. You can catch up on all the news here. Highlights include welcoming Emily Maurer to our staff as our Communications and Administrative Assistant, and Bill Pugh as volunteer Senior Policy Fellow leading our fight on climate change, as well as major ongoing campaigns:

  • Emergency federal funding and protective equipment for transit
  • More affordable housing in the DC Comprehensive Plan and Montgomery Master Plan
  • Forums and advocacy for safer streets in Northern Virginia and across the region
  • Hosting Courageous Conversations on the legacy of residential racial segregation
  • Promoting accessory dwelling units
  • Inspiring and working with new coalitions and local groups like the Fairfax Healthy Communities Coalition, Montgomery for All, Liveable Alexandria, and Rise Prince George’s

We look forward to you joining us for our annual Smart Growth Social and to your continued support for our work and personal involvement in making our communities better.

Thank you,
Stewart, Cheryl, Jane, Sonya, Emily, and Bill

P.S.  Please note our new address for correspondence, including mailed donations: P.O. Box 73282 2000 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20009

MetroNow Emergency Transit Funding Sign-on Letter

Dear Members of the Congressional Delegation for Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia: 

Transit is a lifeline for essential workers and critical to our economic health and well-being. The CARES Act, passed in March of this year, provided a stop gap to help transit agencies survive dramatic losses in revenue streams, unprecedented drops in ridership, and fund new and enhanced cleaning protocols, but the funding is running out. Transit agencies nationally need $32 billion in emergency operating funds to avoid damaging service and jobs cuts and minimize economic hardship. 

The vast majority of WMATA funding comes from capital contributions, jurisdictional subsidies, and farebox revenues from riders. Since COVID-related restrictions were enacted in March, farebox revenues have evaporated. Bus fares were waived around the Capital Region to minimize interaction between rider and driver, and Metrorail, which kept fares intact, has averaged only about 10% of the pre-COVID ridership since March. In Maryland, the Transportation Trust Fund relies largely on motor fuel taxes, titling and registration fees, federal aid, sales tax, transit fares, and port and airport fees, all of which have taken a hit during the pandemic, with corresponding impacts to the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA). Meanwhile, as jurisdictions face the worst fiscal crisis in living memory, they are stripping budgets to the bones, leaving no room to alleviate losses in farebox revenue through additional jurisdictional subsidies. 

When the CARES Act funding runs out, transit agencies will be forced to cut transit service and furlough or lay off workers or redistribute capital funds, intended for repairs and expansion, to operating budgets. Both options will seriously harm the viability, safety, and reliability of transit service in the short and long term, but more importantly, it will harm the riders, businesses, and regional economies and workers that depend on transit. Anticipating the lack of federal aid, WMATA and the Maryland Transit Administration have already warned of service and workforce cuts to address their COVID-19 revenue impacts. Cuts to transit will harm the region, weaken the economic recovery, slash capital expenditures and the jobs they support, and worsen inequality. 

The economy cannot recover without transit. If Congress fails to act this month to fund $32 billion in emergency operating funds, it will deepen the economic pain already felt by millions throughout the country. In this time of uncertainty, grief, and loss, Congress must put aside their differences and work together to fund transit or this region will emerge weaker on the other side of the virus. 

The undersigned business groups, transit agencies, unions and elected officials urge you to commit this critically needed funding for transit. Our riders, our economy, and our region depend on it.

Virtual Stream Walk & Talk

If you missed our virtual stream walk with the Audubon Naturalist Society and Fairfax County staff, you can watch the presentation here.

From ANS: On September 10th, 2020, Fairfax County staff Charles Smith & JoAnne Fiebe led us on a virtual walk-and-talk of an area around Mount Vernon Plaza, part of Little Hunting Creek, one of the sites of a proposed “ecological spine“. This concept, introduced in Chapter 3 of the Richmond Highway Urban Design Guidelines, envisions how streams can be made part of the community again. Instead of burying streams and building on top of them, how can redevelopment integrate streams and their riparian buffers into walkable, bikeable areas where people and nature can thrive in urban settings?

Tune in to the webinar to hear about the vision for the Route 1 redevelopment and hear about how redevelopment can be tied to creating healthier streams, and therefore a healthier world for us.