This report details the dramatic growth of public transportation in 2008, and the corresponding energy and environmental benefits. These details are viewed in light of fewer miles driven in most states last year. It also documents transit growth across the country continuing into this year, highlights future potential benefits and outlines ways to improve the state of public transportation.
Category: Climate change & energy
Accelerated Global Warming from the ICC
This Friday and next Wednesday, the Maryland House of Delegates Environmental Matters Committee will hold public hearings on bills that would stop state expenditures on controversial Intercounty Connector until Maryland agencies assess and disclose the highway’s climate and public health impacts.
Joint Statement in Support of a Fix-it-First, Jobs First, Sustainable Stimulus
The undersigned groups have been involved for many years in promoting, supporting and implementing fiscally and environmentally sustainable land use, transportation and environmental policies. We hereby express our core concerns and recommendations for the stimulus bill before the Senate.
DC Region Growth Patterns Contribute to Emissions Problem
Washington DC – Meeting the growing demand for conveniently located homes in walkable neighborhoods could significantly reduce the growth in the number of miles Americans drive, shrinking the nation’s carbon footprint while giving people more housing choices, according to a team of urban planning researchers.
Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change
This publication is based on an exhaustive review of existing research on the relationship among urban development, travel, and the CO2 emitted by motor vehicles. It provides evidence on and insights into how much CO2 savings can be expected with compact development, how compact development is likely to be received by consumers, and what policy changes will make compact development possible.