Category: District of Columbia

Advocates call on Bowser, Zoning Commission to strengthen affordable housing policies

The letter cites a recent report from the Urban Institute that analyzed and did a comprehensive review of D.C.’s IZ policy, outlining the ways in which it can be improved. Among those recommendations includes ways to lower moderate-income limits for IZ units while increasing the production of low-income units, pricing affordable housing units based on 25 percent of the occupant’s income rather than 30 percent, and requiring low rise or rental buildings to set aside at least 12 percent of their units for affordable housing and ten percent of units for high rises.

RELEASE: DC housing advocates call on Mayor Bowser to start tenure with important move to increase affordable housing

EMBARGOED until 9:00AM
January 7, 2015

Contact: Cheryl Cort, Coalition for Smarter Growth
O 202-676-0016 x 122
M 202-251-7516

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, DC housing advocates called on Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Zoning Commission to strengthen Inclusionary Zoning, an affordable housing program that requires lower priced units to be produced as a part of most new developments.

The groups released a letter (PDF) calling for lowering income targeting to better serve low and moderate income households who are priced out of DC’s ever more expensive housing market. The groups noted that a strong Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) program is an important part of a robust set of tools to address DC’s growing affordable housing crisis. Among the organizations calling for improving DC’s IZ program are: Coalition for Smarter Growth, Metropolitan Washington Council AFL-CIO, DC Fiscal Policy Institute, Jews United for Justice, City First Homes, PolicyLink and Somerset Development.

“This policy has great potential to help address the needs of working people who are priced out of the District of Columbia. Now is the time to strengthen Inclusionary Zoning to ensure it is a more effective tool to make living in DC within reach for moderate and low income workers,” said Joslyn Williams, president of the Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO.

After years of delay, the housing program is beginning to produce hundreds of units. Given that DC is even less affordable than it was when the policy was established in 2006, the housing activists urged the Zoning Commission to revise the policy to ensure that it is meeting the city’s growing need for more affordable housing.

For more than a year, the Zoning Commission and the Mayor Gray administration had expressed their intent to revise the policy, but have delayed any action. The groups urged the city to act now, citing the recent report by the Urban Institute reviewing the DC IZ program performance to date, and its recommendations for improvements.

“DC’s Inclusionary Zoning affordable housing program is fundamentally sound but needs to be strengthened. Most importantly, we need to create more homes at lower income levels through this policy to better meet the needs of city residents facing the greatest housing challenges,” said Cheryl Cort, Policy Director for the Coalition for Smarter Growth, and a founding member of the Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, the group that won the original policy in 2006.

In a letter submitted to the Zoning Commission and Mayor Bowser, the advocates asked that the Zoning Commission act to strengthen the Inclusionary Zoning program to ensure it can best achieve its goal to create a mix of low and moderate income affordable housing throughout the District.  Citing a continued strong housing market, rising prices, and stagnant and falling incomes, the group asked for several changes to the current policy. These proposed changes include: lowering the income limits for moderate income IZ units, increasing the share of low income units produced, increasing the total percentage of IZ units required, and ensuring bonus density is available to provide compensation for the cost of the affordable units.

“DC’s Inclusionary Zoning program is on the right track, but needs to be improved to ensure we are reaching those who most need the help,” said Jacob Feinspan, Executive Director, Jews United for Justice.

The letter submitted to the DC Zoning Commission and Mayor Bowser, was signed by:

Cheryl Cort, Coalition for Smarter Growth
Joslyn N. Williams, President, Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO
Ed Lazere, DC Fiscal Policy Institute
Jacob Feinspan, Jews United for Justice
Angie Rodgers, People’s Consulting
Jim Steck, City First Homes
Jim Campbell, Somerset Development
Tad Baldwin, retired housing developer
Kalima Rose, PolicyLink

About the Coalition for Smarter Growth

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. Its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish. Learn more at



Testimony to DC Council to Reconsider the Proposed R20-1136 – Fifth & I Streets NW Disposition Approval Resolution of 2014

We urge the council to reconsider DMPED’s selection of the TPC 5th & I LLC proposal because it does not respond to a key affordable housing provision in the Request for Expressions of Interest (REFI). Specifically, the TPC 5th & I Partners LLC proposal is not responsive to the RFEI, release date April 25,
2013 (revised), because the proposal offers off-site affordable housing, and thus in not compliant with the RFEI’s explicit request regarding affordable housing on-site:

Testimony in Support of 90 & 91 Bladgen Alley NW Reduced Parking

We wish to express our strong support for this project and the proposed reduction in the number of parking spaces provided for this laudable housing development and historic restoration project. Forcing unneeded vehicle parking into this innovative alley residential development would do great harm to this historic alley which is a treasure for the city. We agree that the vehicle parking is unnecessary. Instead of providing vehicle parking, the new housing will offer…


RELEASE: CSG applauds progress in DC’s Inclusionary Zoning program and pushes to strengthen policy

WASHINGTON DC — Coalition for Smarter Growth Policy Director Cheryl Cort issued the following statement today in response to the Gray Administration’s release of the DC inclusionary zoning annual report and the administration’s proposed revisions to the program:

Letter to the Editor: Inclusionary zoning is working for renters

While the program needs to be strengthened, inclusionary zoning is showing benefits. Moderately priced housing units are being integrated into nearly every new residential development. That means desirable neighborhoods such as Chevy Chase, Dupont Circle, 14th and U, and NoMa will be affordable for more people.

Inclusionary zoning is a work in progress, but it’s already delivering on its promise to make exclusive and rapidly changing neighborhoods more accessible for working-class and middle-class residents.

D.C. commits to projects to advance the city’s long-range transportation plan

Over the next two years, cyclists in the District will have more bike lanes, pedestrians will have more sidewalks and bus riders will enjoy stops equipped with digital screens that show bus arrival times.
In addition, some of the city’s major bridges will begin undergoing repairs and several key studies of the city’s rail infrastructure and the transit needs of the growing 16th Street corridor will be completed or be well underway.

At least that’s the plan of the District Department of Transportation, which last week unveiled a list of projects and initiatives it aims to pursue over the next two years as the first steps in its long-range transportation priorities.

MoveDC, which looks ahead to 2040, envisions a wide transit network that includes a streetcar system, dedicated bus lanes in major commuter corridors, expanded Metrorail service in the downtown core, an active water taxi system and 200 miles of on-street bicycle lanes.

With the plan, the city aims to expand transit options while deterring driving through the use of toll lanes on the city’s gateways and charging a congestion fee to motorists entering downtown.

“MoveDC is about being able to expand choices for all modes or methods of getting around the city and making transportation increasingly safe and accessible,” Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) said in releasing the plan. “It continues to lead us down the path of being greener, healthier and more economically competitive as well as a safe city for everyone.”

To get there, DDOT plans on tackling 36 key steps over the next two years. These include capital investments in critical infrastructure, the advance of several transportation studies and policy changes.

Transportation officials say they plan a major undertaking in repairing critical infrastructure, with a goal to reduce by half the number of structurally deficient bridges. Work began last week on the replacement of the 16th Street Bridge over Military Road, and DDOT says it plans improvements at several other bridges, including the Key Bridge in Georgetown and the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge over the Anacostia River. That project will begin next year and includes a new bridge with wide sidewalks and space for bicycles, officials said.

Other key steps over the next two years include:

  • Completion of DDOT’s traffic signal optimization project to improve timing and traffic flow and increase pedestrian safety. The city plans to finish optimizing its 1,600 signals by 2016.
  • Adding sidewalks in at least 25 blocks where they are missing, with priority given to areas near schools, parks and transit.
  • Improving pedestrian safety at 20 or more intersections.
  • Completion of the Klingle and Kenilworth/Anacostia Riverwalk Trail projects and advancing the Rock Creek and Metropolitan Branch Trail projects.
  • Expanding the bike network by installing or upgrading 15 miles of on-street bicycle facilities.
  • Completion of bus priority improvements. DDOT plans to create dedicated bus lanes on Georgia Avenue from Florida Avenue to Barry Place, provide transit signal priority on 16th Street and offer real-time arrival information in bus shelters citywide. DDOT officials say they plan to work with Metro to implement signal improvements in at least 10 locations on high-ridership corridors to expedite bus service.

As part of its short-term goals, DDOT will proceed with several studies, including how to increase bus capacity in the 16th Street NW corridor, where some transit users and advocates have been calling for the implementation of dedicated bus lanes. The agency also plans to advance a study on bicycle infrastructure on the east side of downtown, the federal environmental review process for the streetcar system and a comprehensive rail plan for the city.

DDOT Director Matthew Brown said the short-term action plan will keep DDOT and other agencies on track to advance the big ideas in the plan. Officials say a discussion of the 25-year, $54 billion moveDC initiative and a plan for funding it are still needed. Gray said the plan also recognizes the need to create a reliable long-term revenue source for Metro. And among the most immediate concerns are restoring funding for the proposed 22-mile streetcar network. The D.C. Council voted to sharply roll back Gray’s proposed budget for the streetcar lines. Last week, Gray administration officials announced they will push to spend $800 million for a transit network with only about eight miles of streetcar line within the next decade.

Gray said he has every confidence that the moveDC plan will be carried out. “I don’t know what changes future mayors will make in this document, but I really think the fundamental direction in this plan will be sustained.”
Some transportation advocates say the plan sets reasonable goals and will serve as a strong framework for where the city wants to be in 25 years, and they expect future administrations to follow it.

The plan was crafted after a year-long public process to provide D.C. residents, and nonresidents who commute to the District, a guide to a variety of alternatives to driving.

“The moveDC vision plan sets out the right overall agenda for the city,”said Cheryl Cort, policy director at the Coalition for Smarter Growth. “It’s based on important sustainability goals, like how do we give people better transportation choices by making walking and bicycling safer and more appealing and how do we make transit work more efficient and more reliable.

“The two-year action plan shows us step by step how we are going to move forward,” she said. “We think that this plan is not really the possession of any one administration, but was created through a very thoughtful, inclusive process with the public and we certainly feel that we are owners of this plan and will be pushing on the decision-makers to speed up implementation.”

Read the original article here.