Category: Event materials

14th Street: Past, Present, and Future

14th Street: Past, Present, and Future

The Greater U Street area of 14th Street NW has witnessed dramatic change in just a few short years. Over 1000 housing units are under construction or newly built, about 85,000 square feet of retail space have been added, and dozens of restaurants have opened in the past few years. What makes this historic district such a magnet for new development? How has historic preservation and the arts district coexisted with dramatic redevelopment all along the corridor? What’s being done to preserve and build affordable housing? We heard about the story of the rapidly changing 14th Street NW corridor from the people who live and work here.

White Flint: From Drag to Desirable

White Flint: From Drag to Desirable

White Flint is fundamentally transforming from an aging auto-oriented commercial corridor to an accessible and vibrant walkable community. On April 27, 2013, CSG brought together together Federal Realty’s Tommy Mann, Friends of White Flint’s Lindsay Hoffman, and Nkosi Yearwood, the Montgomery County lead planner for White Flint, to update us on progress, explore what’s changing and what it means for the neighborhood, and what we can expect in this area as it becomes one of the Washington region’s newest walkable communities. See the event program.

Getting Parking Right

Getting Parking Right

Parking policy guru Jeff Tumlin will outline sixteen ways to tailor parking policies to meet parking demand while reducing some of the negative effects of current policies. D.C. Department of Transportation’s Associate Director Sam Zimbabwe will present the city’s latest thinking on how to take the lessons learned from around the country to craft parking policies that support community goals. Join us to learn about best practices and what D.C. government is planning to do to get parking right.

Walkable Neighborhoods: How to Make Them for Everyone

Walkable Neighborhoods: How to Make Them for Everyone

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Refreshments 6:00 pm
Program 6:30-8:30 pm

National Capital Planning Commission
401 9th Street NW, North Lobby, Suite 500
(Metro: Archives)

Walkable urban places are in high demand. A decade ago, Columbia Heights, H Street NE, and Petworth weren’t considered particularly desirable places to live. Today, these neighborhoods are booming, and so are many more city blocks close to transit and downtown. In addition to the more established affluent neighborhoods, demand to live in newly-popular neighborhoods that offer walkable, bicycle-friendly, and transit-oriented lifestyles is driving up housing prices. Given the turnaround in 2000 of D.C.’s decades-long population decline, the city’s growth could be used to ensure that everyone – especially disadvantaged D.C. residents – shares in the benefits of a stronger city and stable tax base. But rising housing prices loom as an increasing problem for moderate- and low-income who want to stay in the city and take part in the District’s resurgence.


How can we continue to offer more opportunities to live in walkable, transit-oriented neighborhoods and share the benefits with people across the income spectrum? Join us to discuss this challenge with Chris Leinberger, David Bowers, and Ed Lazere.

  • Chris Leinberger is a land use strategist, developer, researcher and author of Walk this Way: The Economic Promise of Walkable Places in Metropolitan Washington, D.C.. Chris will discuss the benefits of rising values from walkable urban places and the need complement these opportunities with affordable housing strategies.
  • David Bowers of Enterprise Community Partners will discuss how a stronger affordable housing strategy can be a part of the city’s agenda, especially as demand to live near transit continues to rise.
  • Ed Lazere of the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute will explain how the city’s growing financial strength can help ensure that new prosperity is shared with everyone through the budget decision-making process.

This event is part of CSG’s 2013 Walking Tours & Forums Series, possible by the generous support of the National Association of Realtors. In cooperation with APA Virginia, AICP credit for this event is pending.



Walking and Water in Merrifield/Dunn Loring

Walking and Water in Merrifield/Dunn Loring

We learned about the ins-and-outs of stormwater runoff and stream health by surveying Long Branch Creek on the fall walking tour. We also checked out some of the area’s new transit-oriented development, and talk about ever-present issues of pedestrian and bicycle safety. Plus, we had a great group of speakers that is sure to make this tour an excellent way to spend a fall morning.

Pro-DC: Modernizing D.C.’s Zoning Code: What Does It Mean for Our City

Pro-DC: Modernizing D.C.’s Zoning Code: What Does It Mean for Our City

Some of the best discussions on the meaning and importance of D.C.’s zoning code update are in the presentations by Harriet Tregoning, Director of the DC Office of Planning; and David Alpert, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Greater Greater Washington. They spoke to Pro-DC in June 2012 about what the zoning code update would mean for District residents at an event so popular we were forced to find a bigger venue and cap our admission RSVPs.


View Harriet’s PowerPoint



[one-half last]

Check out the Pro-DC Fact Sheet


