Category: Montgomery County

Joint Statement on OLO Initial RESJ Review of Thrive 2050

Joint Statement on OLO Initial RESJ Review of Thrive 2050

The Coalition for Smarter Growth, Montgomery for All, Audubon Naturalist Society, Montgomery Housing Alliance, and the Washington Area Bicyclists Association believe in the overarching vision of Thrive 2050, which promotes equity and sustainability through affordable housing, more housing options, improved transit, walkable communities that improve access to jobs, and more.

RELEASE: MetroNow Bus Transformation Project Progress Report

RELEASE: MetroNow Bus Transformation Project Progress Report

In response to the region’s critical transit needs, leading transportation coalition launches the Bus Champions Roundtable, a series of targeted discussions with regional leaders to align priorities and accelerate bus transformation progress.

TESTIMONY: Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan

We support the draft of the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan, although we believe there is room for improvement to think more strategically, creatively, and boldly about certain elements. In general, we are excited that the plan embraces downtown Silver Spring as the right place to grow, and to grow in a way that supports diversity, connectivity, resiliency, and health. 

RELEASE: CSG Responds to Anti-Housing Protesters at Planning Board

Montgomery County, Md – “Montgomery County’s Thrive 2050 General Plan update is imbued with the progressive and creative spirit that has long been at the core of the community’s values,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG). “This is why we are so saddened to see the strident opposition to the county’s efforts to address a housing crisis through Thrive 2050 and a separate study of Attainable Housing Strategies.”