Category: Maryland

[CLOSED] We’re hiring a Montgomery Advocacy Manager!

[CLOSED] We’re hiring a Montgomery Advocacy Manager!

Our small but mighty team is looking for a Montgomery Advocacy Manager to achieve the following advocacy goals: walkable, inclusive transit-oriented development, more housing opportunities close to jobs and transit, strong affordable housing policies and investment, transit funding and better buses, and safer streets for walking and biking, while opposing highway expansion and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Comments re: Maryland Commission on Climate Change Annual Report Transportation Recommendations

The state should prioritize the
communities heavily impacted by transportation pollution and historically excluded from
transportation decision making and infrastructure resources, including communities of color,
low-wealth communities, rural communities, and people with disabilities, in the development and
implementation of these policies.

TESTIMONY re: Bill 22-22E – Landlord-Tenant Relations – Limitations on Rent Increases (Support)

The Coalition for Smarter Growth supports Bill 22-22E, which would limit rent increases to 4.4 percent for six months, and strongly urges you to develop and implement a long-term policy that protects tenants without hindering the construction of new housing. We also associate ourselves with the testimony of the Montgomery Housing Alliance, of which we are a member.

COMMENTS re: Draft 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on the Draft 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Baltimore region. The TIP can be simply described as the list of regional transportation projects using federal funds over the next four years. However, we believe it is important to look at this document not simply as a collection of individual projects, but as a program that reflects our region’s transportation priorities. 

Register for our Diverse Neighborhoods webinar, on July 27!

Join us to learn about how the right policies and investments can allow neighborhoods to grow in a way that support racial and economic diversity. The DC region is one of the most diverse places in the country, but remains largely segregated. We’ll talk about the latest research, the policy implications, and why it matters to yo