Category: Maryland

RISE Prince George’s January Meeting: What’s going on at the County Council?

Thanks to all who came to our January meeting! We caught up on what’s happening with the new County Council and how we aim to advance our priorities this year! We also discussed our top issues: transit-oriented development & zoning, complete streets, better transit, and housing opportunities for all.

EVENT: Better Buses for Prince George’s: What Does it Take?

EVENT: Better Buses for Prince George’s: What Does it Take?

On November 9, 2022, RISE Prince George’s and CSG hosted a discussion with Metro and Prince George’s County to talk about how we can get more frequent, reliable, and accessible bus service that better meets the needs of riders and residents in Prince George’s and our region. These transit providers are seeking input as they look to redesign the bus network and prioritize buses on local roads.

RISE Prince George’s Kyle Reeder moderated this session. Maryland Delegate Jazz Lewis provided opening remarks. From WMATA, we heard from Allison Davis, Metro’s Vice President of Planning, and Raka Choudhury, Director of Bus Priority. Joining us from Prince George’s Department of Public Works and Transportation was Semia Hackett, Associate Director of Transportation, and Efon Epanty, Chief of Planning and Innovation.


COMMENTS: Thrive Coalition Sign-on Letter (Fall 2022)

September 30, 2022

Montgomery County Council
Council Office Building
100 Maryland Ave, 6th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850

Re: Support for Thrive Montgomery 2050

Council President Albornoz and Councilmembers:

The undersigned organizations are excited for the County Council to strengthen and approve Thrive 2050 this fall. Thrive is the right direction and vision for Montgomery County. 

Thrive — as currently written and with the inclusion of new chapters on equity, the economy, and the environment — will set the county on a new path toward more sustainable, inclusive policies that will help to spur our economy, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and break down the county’s east-west divide. Although it is a visionary document, that vision matters. The best way for us to grow is compactly in complete communities with a robust transit system, abundant housing for people of all incomes, and a natural environment and infrastructure that will help us to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

These are policies supported by our organizations and residents alike. In a statistically significant poll from Data for Progress, 55% of likely Democratic voters in Montgomery County expressed support for Thrive, with the strongest support from Black or African Americans, people under 45, and renters. In another poll, 61% of respondents supported the construction of duplexes, townhomes, and/or apartments in their own neighborhood and 76% supported redesigning roads to prioritize safety over vehicle speeds. Nspiregreen’s additional outreach also showed majority support across Thrive’s issues and policies.

But Thrive is only the beginning. We look forward to working with you, your successors, and the community over the next three decades to bring Thrive’s vision into reality. For now, our organizations urge you to make the amendments needed to make Thrive an even stronger document, and then to pass the plan by the end of this County Council term.


Montgomery for All
Coalition for Smarter Growth
Action in Montgomery
Audubon Naturalist Society
Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County
Sierra Club – Montgomery County
Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing
Montgomery Housing Alliance
HAND (Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers)
Washington Area Bicyclist Association
Enterprise Community Partners
Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland
Action Committee for Transit