Category: Press Releases

Stimulus – Don’t Give Blank Check to VDOT and MDOT

“The transportation portion of the stimulus badly misses the mark.” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, “It fails to mandate that most of the spending go to maintenance and operations of roads and transit and allows the Virginia and Maryland Departments of Transportation and the other state DOT’s too much authority to allocate $30 billion. That means business as usual instead of the fundamental change we need.”

Transit’s Success at the Inauguration

Rail, bus, walking and bicycle access made possible record-breaking crowds who attended downtown celebrations for the Presidential Inauguration. Metrorail marked three days of unprecedented ridership in a row, providing 2.6 million trips for people during three days of inaugural celebrations. Officials decided against any significant role for private automobiles and encouraged visitors to take transit or bus, walk or bicycle.

Diverse Coalition Rallies Around Fiscal Crisis

As the District prepares for another possible revenue shortfall announcement, a broad-based coalition of DC businesses, faith-based groups, nonprofits, labor, and advocacy groups released a joint “Statement of Principles,” calling on the Mayor and DC Council to “partner with concerned citizens to identify a prudent and balanced approach to managing the city’s fiscal crisis.”

CSG Selected for Second Time as One of Best Charities in Region

The Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington is proud to announce that the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) has been selected to be featured in the 2008-09 Catalogue. A panel of 60 expert reviewers from area foundations, corporate giving programs, larger non-profit organizations, and the DC government evaluated nearly 200 applications; Coalition for Smarter Growth is one of 68 outstanding nonprofits to be featured this year. CSG was also featured in the 2004 Catalogue.

DC Council Lauded for Action on Affordable Housing Law

On October 21, the D.C. Council voted unanimously to ensure that the long delayed Inclusionary Zoning affordable housing law is implemented. Championed by Chairman Vincent Gray and Councilmember Jim Graham, the bill fully reflects the position of the Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, which has repeatedly requested implementation by the Mayor since original legislation was approved in December 2006.

Citizens Campaign for a Green and Sustainable Urban Future for Tysons Corner

A group of citizens and conservation groups launched a campaign today in support of a green and sustainable urban future for Tysons Corner. Coordinated by John Byrne, a long-time Fairfax conservation leader, the group has crafted a platform laying out a vision and detailed goals for a sustainable Tysons Corner. The platform is designed to influence the crafting of the new comprehensive plan by the Tysons Corner Task Force, Planning Commission, and Fairfax Board of Supervisors.

Update to D.C.’s 1958 Zoning Code for Parking Offers Better Choices for Residents and Commuters

The location, amount and pricing of parking directly affects driving habits, traffic congestion, air quality, and the urban fabric of our city. Tonight’s public hearing before the D.C. Zoning Commission provides the opportunity to voice support for the Office of Planning’s proposed comprehensive reform of parking regulations. The proposed changes protect walkable historic neighborhoods, promote transit-oriented development, help make new housing more affordable, and help improve commuting conditions for all.