Click here to watch the Conservation Cafe webinar held with Audubon Naturalist Society featuring eco-advocates from Northern Virginia, including our Northern Virginia advocacy manager Sonya Breehey.
Category: Presentations
Environment Virginia Webinar Presentation
A presentation given for Environment Virginia’s webinar Getting Virginia to Destination: Zero Carbon on the link between transit-oriented development and reducing carbon emissions in Virginia.
Full webinar available for viewing here.
StreetsCamp 2015
Advocacy knowledge + technical knowledge = power!
StreetsCamp was a one day summit held on June 20th, 2015 to provide participants with the tools to make our streets better: safer for walking and bicycling, transit-friendly, and more.
StreetsCamp includes both subject matter and advocacy skills workshops on everything from how to plan a neighborhood campaign, to safe street design for walking and cycling, to the ins and outs of zoning codes.
How does it work?
You will hear from leaders in sustainable transportation and urban planning, but StreetsCamp is more than just workshops. Every attendee is a part of shaping and leading the day. Be prepared to get involved and meet people!
In the morning, local advocates and experts lead sessions on topics like campaign strategy, organizing, messaging and media, telling your story, safe street design, and more.
In the afternoon, StreetsCamp turns into an ‘unconference’ . That means session topics and activities will be suggested and organized by YOU and everyone attending!
Presentation materials
Not every session at StreetsCamp incorporated a PowerPoint presentation or handouts, but for those that did, we have compiled the materials here.
Telling Better Stories About Public Transportation, Paul Mackie, Mobility Lab
So You Think You Can Blog (Blogging 101), Aimee Custis & Abigail Zenner, Greater Greater Washington
Street Design Secrets Revealed, Dan Emerine, CNU-DC
Transit Today, Tomorrow, and the Future: There’s More to It Than Metrorail, Kristin Haldeman & Allison Davis, WMATA
How Safe Routes to School Are Driving Change in the Greater Washington DC Region, Matt Colvin & Keith Benjamin, Safe Routes to School
How Could We Get a Majority of People to Bike? Bike Infrastructure Best Practices, Jess Zdeb, Toole Design Group
Blogging 102, Dan Malouff & Aimee Custis, Greater Greater Washington
StreetsCamp 2015 was made possible by these partners:
Greater Greater Washington
Coalition for Smarter Growth
Georgetown University School of Urban and Regional Planning
Congress for New Urbanism, DC Chapter
Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Mobility Lab
Smart Growth America
National Complete Streets Coalition
Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling
Washington Area Bicyclists Association
All Walks DC
Sierra Club
Walkable Neighborhoods: How to Make Them for Everyone
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Refreshments 6:00 pm
Program 6:30-8:30 pm
National Capital Planning Commission
401 9th Street NW, North Lobby, Suite 500
(Metro: Archives)
- Event program
- Video (Part I)
- Twitter recap via Storify (from Smart Growth America)
- Chris Leinberger’s presentation (Part 1) and (Part 2)
- Ed Lazere’s presentation
- Pictures
Walkable urban places are in high demand. A decade ago, Columbia Heights, H Street NE, and Petworth weren’t considered particularly desirable places to live. Today, these neighborhoods are booming, and so are many more city blocks close to transit and downtown. In addition to the more established affluent neighborhoods, demand to live in newly-popular neighborhoods that offer walkable, bicycle-friendly, and transit-oriented lifestyles is driving up housing prices. Given the turnaround in 2000 of D.C.’s decades-long population decline, the city’s growth could be used to ensure that everyone – especially disadvantaged D.C. residents – shares in the benefits of a stronger city and stable tax base. But rising housing prices loom as an increasing problem for moderate- and low-income who want to stay in the city and take part in the District’s resurgence.
How can we continue to offer more opportunities to live in walkable, transit-oriented neighborhoods and share the benefits with people across the income spectrum? Join us to discuss this challenge with Chris Leinberger, David Bowers, and Ed Lazere.
- Chris Leinberger is a land use strategist, developer, researcher and author of Walk this Way: The Economic Promise of Walkable Places in Metropolitan Washington, D.C.. Chris will discuss the benefits of rising values from walkable urban places and the need complement these opportunities with affordable housing strategies.
- David Bowers of Enterprise Community Partners will discuss how a stronger affordable housing strategy can be a part of the city’s agenda, especially as demand to live near transit continues to rise.
- Ed Lazere of the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute will explain how the city’s growing financial strength can help ensure that new prosperity is shared with everyone through the budget decision-making process.
This event is part of CSG’s 2013 Walking Tours & Forums Series, possible by the generous support of the National Association of Realtors. In cooperation with APA Virginia, AICP credit for this event is pending.
Where and How Should Prince George’s Grow?
On January 26, 2012, leaders gathered with the Coalition for Smarter Growth and Envision Prince George’s Community Action Team for Transit-Oriented Development to discuss where and how Prince George’s County should grow.
Happier, Healthier, Sexier, and Smarter: Transportation and the Secret of Life
The “Happier, Healthier, Sexier, and Smarter: Transportation and the Secret of Life” forum was held on Tuesday, January 10, 2012. View a video recording of the event or download and view presenter Jeff Tumlin’s presentation.
Equitable Transit-Oriented Development: The Case of Langley Park and the Purple Line
A presentation advocating the installation of the Purple line through Langley Park, MD.
D.C.’s Inclusionary Zoning
A presentation to the D.C. Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning.