Category: Testimony & Letters

Testimony on partial offsite Inclusionary Zoning and affordable housing benefit in the Highline development project

We are enthusiastic about this project because it takes full advantage of the site’s proximity to Metro and bus lines, employment, services and burgeoning new commercial districts. I will spend the rest of my time discussing our qualified support for the proposed partial off-site compliance for Inclusionary Zoning regulations (IZ), and an affordable housing proffer.

Letter of Support to US DOT for Potomac Yard Metro

I am writing to express our strongest possible support for the City of Alexandria’s application under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s FY 2015 National Infrastructure Investments discretionary grant program (formerly “TIGER”) for the Potomac Yard Metrorail Station. The project involves construction of an infill station on the Blue and Yellow Metrorail lines in the City of Alexandria, which is one of the core jurisdictions in the Metropolitan Washington region. The station would serve a major redevelopment site within five miles of downtown Washington, DC.

Testimony at Public Roundtable on Sense of the Council in Support of Improving Inclusionary Zoning Resolution of 2015

The time is ripe to do this, given the results of the recent Urban Institute assessment commissioned by DMPED which found IZ to be fundamentally sound. IZ is also ripe for revision because now we have enough early experience to see that it is working as designed, but not accomplishing the affordable housing goals we had originally sought to achieve.

Testimony Regarding Potomac Yard Metro Station Location

We support Alternative B as the best alternative from a smart growth, transportation, economic development and environmental perspective. We recognize that Alternative B will have an impact on National Park Service land, a related easement, and a limited amount of wetlands. However, we support the mitigation measures being proposed and believe that the mitigation, together with the environmental benefits of Alternative B, support selection of this alternative.

Testimony at FY16 Budget Oversight Hearing of DMPED and Office of Planning by Cheryl Cort

The capital budget includes important funds to move forward on a major redevelopment that was approved by agencies and the DC Council – McMillan Sand Filtration site. This redevelopment of a 25- acre historic industrial site is innovative but complex. It will provide significant historic restoration, major new public park facilities, and mixed use development. The mix expands the housing supply by 677 units for our rapidly growing city.

Testimony at FY16 Budget Oversight Hearing of DHCD by Cheryl Cort

We want to commend the Mayor and Director Polly Donaldson for bringing a clear, bold and strategic vision to address our city’s deepening affordable housing crisis. Consistent with this vision, we commend the Mayor’s budget priorities which propose a record investment in affordable housing. We ask the Council to support these budget proposals. Specifically, we ask the council support the Mayor’s proposed funding levels for the Housing Production Trust Fund at $100 million, Local Rent Supplement Program, and the Permanent Supportive Housing Program. We also commend the leadership of the Mayor and Director Donaldson for launching a preservation strike force.

Testimony to WMATA Board Regarding Leadership by Stewart Schwartz

When I last testified before you in February, I outlined how essential Metro has been to the success of our region and stressed that we need the leadership and commitment of all area officials to the system’s success, and a similar commitment from staff to improving system communications, safety, incident response and customer service.

Testimony to WMATA Board of Directors regarding Takoma Development

We ask that the WMATA board approve the Takoma amended joint development agreement and public hearing. We support the proposed revised joint development agreement with EYA to construct at least 208 housing units in a mid-rise apartment building. This new proposal addresses key concerns of
opponents of the previous plan – including the preservation of a large open space in front of the station. The plan will add bus capacity, enhance pedestrian pathways, and bring drop off and disabled parking close to the elevator entrance.

Testimony at Oversight Hearing for DMPED & OP

We commend DMPED for listing affordable housing as one of its top 5 priorities. This is a welcome explicit commitment from the office. DC’s strong population growth and fiscal position enable it to respond to this crisis with policies and funding to directly address the housing needs of our moderate and low income families.