Category: Transit-Oriented Development

Testimony: Support for D.C.’s Tenley Campus Law School Relocation and Construction Plan

We are here to express our support for the proposed actions under Case No. 11-07B by American University. Moving the AU law school to the Tenley location will take advantage of excellent transit access by Metrorail and Metrobus, and contribute to greater vitality for Wisconsin Avenue as a major commercial corridor. The Tenley campus plan sensitively increases capacity for the law school while respecting its historic buildings and neighbors.

Testimony: Charles County Comprehensive Plan Update – draft scenarios

Having been contacted by local community members, the Coalition for Smarter Growth has reviewed the proposed scenarios, the Land Use Market Analysis, and the Comprehensive Plan Scenario Evaluations. To summarize, we share the concern about the comparative evaluation of the two scenarios and believe that the scoring of a number of the factors fails to account for countervailing research and potential benefits that would support Scenario 1.

Fairfax: Testimony to the Planning Commission Tysons Corner Committee on Financing Transportation Improvements

First let me note that transit-oriented development can generate significant tax benefits for Fairfax as demonstrated by the Arlington experience. Arlington’s two Metro corridors occupy just 11 percent of their land and generate something like 50% of their property tax base, generating revenues that have supported improvements in neighborhoods across Arlington — recreation centers, traffic calming, parks and schools.

Get the Scoop! Polls, Demographics, and Demand for Smart Growth

Get the Scoop! Polls, Demographics, and Demand for Smart Growth

Our region has seen strong revialization and increased demand to live in walkable, transit-accessible communities. This forum on August 17, 2011, featured two national experts speaking on a wealth of valuable and intriguing data on the potential demand for smart growth communities: Joe Molinaro of the National Association of Realtors and Shyam Kannan of the RCLCO.

Testimony: before the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board in support of the Hine Junior High School project

We wish to express our support for the proposed project for the Hine Junior High School site and urge the HPRB to complete its review so that the project can move on to a Planned Unit Development review with the Zoning Commission. The proposed scale and overall design conform to the Capitol Hill Historic District and enhance key historic assets such as L’Enfant square on Pennsylvania Avenue and the market house.

Testimony: Support for Local Map Amendment for the Chelsea School, Silver Spring

We want to express our support for this proposed map amendment and project. We have reviewed proposal, discussed it with community members and visited the site. We are also familiar with EYA and its record of quality developments around the region, and open and honest relationships with communities. When a townhouse is the right solution, EYA is one of the best developers to build that project.

Young Planner Showcase

Young Planner Showcase

The world of development and planning is complex and often elusive. But on Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 3 of the region’s most promising young planners made things at least a little clearer. At the event they presented their best work, got feedback from our expert panelists, and answered all your questions. Consider it American Idol for planners, but slightly less vicious and without any fear of Steven Tyler.

Testimony before the Montgomery County Council supporting the Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

Overall, we want to express our support for this thoughtful plan. It addresses the need for transit-oriented redevelopment around the Purple Line and guides the re-creation of an inner suburban district. It provides policy goals to preserve existing affordable housing, increase MPDUs, and retain small businesses. The plan seeks to create interconnected, walk- and bicycle-friendly streets. We appreciate the plan’s aim to create urban parks, green streets, and improved water quality.

Arlington: Testimony in Support of the East Falls Church Area Plan

The Coalition for Smarter Growth endorses the East Falls Church Plan while making recommendations for enhancement and implementation of the plan. We commend the extensive process that has gone into the development of a sustainable, walkable vision for the future — including a citizen task force that included representatives of neighborhood associations and other stakeholders, as well as additional analysis and refinement by county staff based on feedback from the community.

Restoring Streams, Revitalizing Communities Along the Richmond Highway Corridor

Restoring Streams, Revitalizing Communities Along the Richmond Highway Corridor

Revitalizing Richmond Highway with mixed-use walkable development, while linking revitalization, stream restoration, and better stormwater management – priceless! These interconnected issues were featured at our community forum, co-sponsored by the Friends of Dyke Marsh, Lee District Association of Civic Organizations, and Audubon Naturalist Society.