We need your help to support more housing around two key Ward 3 Metro stations. With the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines, the District is proposing to increase the potential for new homes by rezoning in the commercial areas around the Cleveland Park and Woodley Park Metro stations. DC is also providing guidelines for new buildings and the streetscape.
Weigh in and tell DC Office of Planning you support increasing housing opportunities around these two Metro stations. Tell them: Yes! The proposed development guidelines will encourage needed new homes while fitting it into their historic districts.
Submit your comments to Office of Planning by May 26
The draft development guidelines are intended to encourage needed new homes while providing design solutions to keep the areas compatible with their historic districts. Both neighborhoods, well-served by bus and rail, are ideal areas for increasing housing opportunities. Encouraging more housing around Metro and shops will also add vibrancy to these retail strips and help reduce households’ carbon footprint.
Want to learn more? Check out the Office of Planning’s website on the guidelines here.