Tag: dc comp plan

What’s at stake in the Comp Plan update

What’s at stake in the Comp Plan update

This presentation explains what we won with the Framework Element in October 2019. The presentation also shows how the entire Comp Plan sets the District on a path to equitable distribution of affordable housing, and shows how the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendments create more housing opportunities focused around transit. The FLUM provides 15% more housing capacity to make room for more people as the city grows.

CSG Additional Testimony in Support of the DC Comp Plan, B23-736

This additional testimony provides support for passing the Comp Plan swiftly. If changes are being considered, we recommend improving language to support permanent housing affordability and support for Community Land Trusts. This testimony also endorses the testimony of the Douglass Community Land Trust, DC’s District-wide community land trust.

Ward 2 Comp Plan Roundtable Nov. 19 at 7 pm

Ward 2 Comp Plan Roundtable Nov. 19 at 7 pm

Have your say at the Ward 2 Comp Plan Roundtable


As a Ward 2 resident, you have a special opportunity to voice your support for the critical amendments to the DC Comprehensive Plan. On Nov. 19 at 7 pm, Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto is holding a roundtable to hear from you. 

Sign up here for the roundtable so you can express your support for the Comp Plan update.

Let Councilmember Pinto know you support the Comp Plan update without delay because:

  • It sets a goal of 15% affordable housing in each part of the city, and increased housing around transit nodes. The plan specifically calls for 1,850 more affordable homes in the Near Northwest Planning Area (mostly Ward 2) by 2025.
  • It makes key changes to outdated and exclusionary land use policies. 
  • It gives residents more sustainable and affordable transportation options by enabling more compact, mixed-income housing near transit.
  • It incorporates priority policies for dedicated transit and bicycle lanes, Vision Zero, and prioritized pedestrian access.
  • It discourages too much vehicle parking, and focuses on developments designed to enhance walking and bicycling. 

These changes to the Comp Plan are long overdue. Let Councilmember Pinto know that her constituents want to pass this progressive update to the Comp Plan as soon as possible. 

If you haven’t already, be sure to send letters to Chairman Mendelson and the DC Council urging them to adopt the Comp Plan update this year. 

For more background, check out our webpage. You can also use our model letter or these tips for talking points to prepare your comments.

Don’t miss the chance to let Councilmember Pinto know you want her to support a more equitable and sustainable city by passing the Comp Plan update without delay. 

Pictured: The Liz, a mixed use, mixed income development in Ward 2. Photo credit: C. Cort

Support DC Expanded Inclusionary Zoning

The DC Zoning Commission will hear the proposal for Expanded Inclusionary Zoning on Nov. 16, 2020 at 6:30pm.

Read our testimony in support of Expanded IZ:

You can read our preliminary support in July 2020 for this proposal: CSG’s testimony here, and our joint support with Housing Priorities Coalition testimony. View Expanded IZ Case No. 20-02 Zoning Commission hearing notice and case documents here.

Sign up to testify at the 11/16/20 hearing, 6:30pm, Case Number 20-02 here.

DC Comp Plan Testimony Workshop Materials

DC Comp Plan Testimony Workshop Materials

DC Housing Priorities Coalition provided a testimony workshop for the DC Comp Plan on October 27 in preparation of the DC Council hearing on the Comp Plan scheduled for Nov. 12 and 13, 2020.

YouTube Recording of 10/27/20 Testimony Workshop

What is the Comp Plan? Housing Priorities Coalition Presentation

CSG Model Letter to DC Council in Support of the Comp Plan

Greater Greater Washington Petition

Housing Priorities Coalition letter to DC Council in support of the Comp Plan, Sept. 30, 2020

Blog post by Greater Greater Washington: Here’s how you can weigh in to make sure the Comp Plan will help, not hurt, housing production in DC

HAND’s webpage on the Comp Plan

DC Comprehensive Plan webpage: https://plandc.dc.gov/

Expanded Inclusionary Zoning – learn about it and sign up to testify for the Nov. 16, 2020 hearing. Housing Priorities Coalition Testimony on Expanded IZ proposal by OP. View Expanded IZ case no. 20-02 Zoning Commission notice and case documents here. Sign up for 11/16/20 hearing, 6:30pm, case number 20-02 here.

Housing Priorities Coalition

Housing Priorities Coalition

The Housing Priorities Coalition is: Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) 🞄 Coalition for Smarter Growth 🞄 DC Fiscal Policy Institute 🞄 Enterprise Community Partners 🞄 Greater Greater Washington 🞄 Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND) 🞄 Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) 🞄 Somerset Development 🞄 United Planning Organization (UPO)

About the DC Housing Priorities Coalition

The Housing Priorities Coalition formed in 2016 to help update the DC Comprehensive Plan, the land use policy that guides development decisions in the District. (Learn more from DC Office of Planning on the DC Comprehensive Plan amendment process at: plandc.dc.gov). See the full Housing Priorities Coalition amendment package here. The Housing Priorities Coalition’s guiding principles for amending the DC Comprehensive Plan are: 

  • Meet the housing demand
  • Equitably distribute housing
  • Best utilize areas near transit
  • Include families: ensure homes for people of all income levels and of all household sizes, including families. 
  • Prioritize affordable housing as a community benefit
  • Preserve existing affordable housing
  • Protect tenants
  • Support neighborhood commercial corridors
  • Clarify zoning authority
  • Improve data collection and transparency

Testimony & factsheets

Housing Priorities Coalition Testimony Workshop Materials

Housing Priorities Coalition urges Chairman Mendelson & DC Council to pass Comp Plan this year (Sept. 30, 2020)

Housing Priorities Coalition Support for Expanded Inclusionary Zoning

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