The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) is deciding among a range of projects competing for its six-year program of regional funding. CSG provides recommendations and information below to help you comment via NVTA’s feedback form by the close of public comment Sunday, May 19 at 11:59pm.
Tag: nvta
TAKE ACTION: Help secure funding for good transit, walk, bike & safe streets projects in Northern Virginia
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) is deciding among a range of projects competing for its six-year program of regional funding. Please comment to support good projects – and oppose using limited public funds on wasteful oversized road projects.
Take Action: ask for sustainable transportation in Northern VA
Ask for more sustainable, effective and equitable transportation improvements in NVTA’s 6-Year program of project funding – and less highway and arterial widening that is self-defeating and will fail our greenhouse gas reduction targets.
NVTA 2023 Annual Meeting comments
2030 is approaching fast – we have to meet critical goals for building most of our housing close to walkable job centers and transit and for rapidly lowering our climate pollution. We can’t get there under the status quo approach. Future generations of Northern Virginians are counting on you.
LTE: Opinion: NVTA regional transportation plan unaffordable and ineffective
Prior to midnight Monday, September 19 comment deadline, twelve non-profit organizations submitted a joint letter urging the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority to reject its proposed $76 Billion TransAction 2045 long-range transportation plan.
We urge you to review and consider the joint letter of 12 Northern Virginia organizations regarding TransAction 2045. These are not new concerns – we have pointed to the shortcomings for some time. We also urge you to reject this TransAction plan and create a new more effective, affordable and sustainable plan.
NVTA TransAction Joint Letter
We write to you today in support of regional transportation planning that identifies cost-effective, sustainable, and equitable solutions to improve mobility and helps inform investments through NVTA’s 6-year program.
RELEASE: Groups challenge bloated $75.7B NOVA transportation plan
Officials release bloated $75.7B transportation plan for NoVA is unlikely to “solve congestion”. Needed – a new approach: A plan that improves access to opportunity, reduces driving, saves families money, and fights climate change.
Joint Letter on NVTA 6-Year Program FY22-27
Our joint letter with several smart growth and conservation organizations regarding recommendations to further improve the proposed FY 22-27 Six-Year Program and process going forward.
TAKE ACTION: NVTA 6-Year Program
Tell the Northern Virginia Transit Authority: Fund Walkable Communities, Not Highways!