Tag: TPB

CODE RED: A Call to Action for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

CODE RED: A Call to Action for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

With the approach of your annual retreat this week in Cambridge, Maryland, our 41 organizations in Maryland, DC, and Virginia call on you to take urgent action to address the great challenges of our times – climate change, housing, racial and economic inequity, sprawl and unsustainable transportation policies. 

RELEASE: Wider Roads Fail and the Public Knows This

RELEASE: Wider Roads Fail and the Public Knows This

In short, the public understands that “induced demand” is real, even if they are not aware of the term itself. Today, when officials in the DC region are planning for at least 900 more lane miles of highway and arterial road expansion and amid the ongoing debate over high-occupancy toll lanes for 495/270 in Maryland and 495 through Alexandria, the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) urged officials to reconsider these plans.

TAKE ACTION: Fix our region’s multi-billion $ transportation plan

TAKE ACTION: Fix our region’s multi-billion $ transportation plan

You have a chance now to speak out against wasteful road expansion and FOR smart growth, with better transit, safer streets for walking and biking, and also better maintaining the roads we’ve already built to handle climate change. With so much at stake, including our regional goals for climate, equity, safety and reducing sprawl, your voice is critical.

CSG in the News: D.C. Region Will Now Consider Climate Impacts In Transportation Planning, Aiming To Cut Emissions In Half

“It was a historic vote today,” said Stewart Schwartz, executive director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth. “As they said in the movie, failure is not an option. We have just eight years to slash our emissions to avoid truly runaway climate change.”

RELEASE: CSG and Sierra Club Hail Historic Vote at the DC region’s Transportation Planning Board to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

RELEASE: CSG and Sierra Club Hail Historic Vote at the DC region’s Transportation Planning Board to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

TPB members, led by Maryland jurisdictions and DC, adopted a resolution to slash climate pollution from cars and trucks by 50% by 2030 and identified strategies to pursue towards that goal.