Mr. Anthony Hood
Chairman, Zoning Commission of the District of Columbia
441 4th Street, NW, Suite 210S
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Chairman Hood:
Please accept this updated testimony on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, the leading organization advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the Washington, DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all.
We support the Office of Planning’s proposed zoning text amendment to address transitions that limit maximum heights, and sideyards for the MU-10 zone on Square 175. These changes respond to neighbors’ concerns about transitions and separation with lower height residential uses adjacent to the site.
We urge the Zoning Commission not to further shrink the housing capacity of the site, and to accommodate its other essential uses – a new police station and fire station. This is an important public land site for needed affordable housing. The proposed text amendment is a reasonable approach to making the most of the opportunity for new housing, supporting new public facilities, while also being respectful of the desires of nearby neighbors.
We reiterate that this change allows for a larger mixed-use development of this public site which is appropriate to its U Street context, and offers the significant benefit of potentially creating hundreds of new affordable and mixed-income homes in a highly accessible, in-demand and high-priced location. Per DC law, at least 30 percent of these homes would be affordable in perpetuity at 30 and 50 percent median family income. These new deeply affordable homes help to address the District’s housing and racial equity goals. More market rate housing helps to address high prices and demand to live here.
Thank you for your consideration.
Cheryl Cort
Policy Director