The Ride On Reimagined study is a comprehensive, forward-looking assessment of our county’s bus network intended to guide the future development of our transit system.
Category: Montgomery County

Action Alert: Support More Frequent Bus Service for Montgomery County
Weigh in to tell Ride On that frequency must be a priority for high-quality bus service that gets people where they want to go, and share your thoughts on other proposed changes!
Event Materials: The problem with parking mandates: what does Montgomery County have to gain from reform?
Thank you for joining the Coalition for Smarter Growth and Montgomery for All on August 28, 2023 for a conversation about how reforming minimum parking mandates can help us achieve our climate, housing, and equity goals.
CSG Comments: Montgomery County Pedestrian Master Plan
The Coalition for Smarter Growth strongly supports the Planning Board draft of the Pedestrian Master Plan. Its comprehensive approach to pedestrian safety and accessibility will advance our county’s climate and equity goals, help us reach Vision Zero, and establish Montgomery County as a model for other jurisdictions to follow.
The actions recommended in the Pedestrian Master Plan are visionary and ambitious—as we must be when tackling issues with the weight and urgency of climate change and increasing pedestrian injuries and fatalities.
We urge the Transportation & Environment Committee to support the Pedestrian Master Plan in full, and advance this visionary plan for a safer and more equitable Montgomery County.
Montgomery County: Great smart growth events tonight, tomorrow, all month!
Here’s news of a great event tonight and tomorrow. And the next weeks are full of exciting opportunities to support an equitable, climate-resilient future—which is certainly feeling urgent as our region experiences another round of Code Red air quality.
Event Materials: MoCo Better Bus Feedback-Palooza
Check out our handout from the event!

TAKE ACTION: Speak up for homes, and a vibrant Takoma Metro station
The proposed mixed-use development at the Takoma Metro station is a bold proposal, but it has vocal opponents. The project will provide 440 new homes with at least 70 affordable homes and transform a surface parking lot into a vibrant, safer, walkable place with cafes, a plaza, and usable greenspace. It will also provide better bus, walk and bicycle facilities, and control stormwater runoff for the first time.
Event Materials: Friendship Heights walking tour
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our walking tour of Friendship Heights on a beautiful day! Check out the event materials!

Testimony re: transit-oriented Olde Towne Gaithersburg project
We wish to express our support for the Concept Site Plan for construction of two multifamily buildings at 9, 11, 13, and 15 Park Avenue and 201 Brookes Avenue.
TESTIMONY: Montgomery County’s Pedestrian Master Plan
We strongly support the Pedestrian Master Plan draft and commend the plan’s holistic approach to achieving pedestrian safety and comfort across the county. In particular, we appreciate that the plan acknowledges pedestrian planning as a critical tool to meet our goals around health, equity, accessibility, climate, and land use, and that we need to think about these policies as interconnected.