A presentation advocating the installation of the Purple line through Langley Park, MD.
Category: Prince George’s County
On Track to Prosperity: The Market Potential of Transit-Oriented Development in Prince George’s County
With 15 Metro stations offering ample room for new businesses, housing and public spaces, Prince George’s has all the right ingredients for transit-oriented development (TOD) to create mixed-use, walkable, and vibrant communities. Join us to learn how the county can take full advantage of all its opportunities as the market for TOD continues to grow. TOD is commonly defined as higher-density, mixed-use development within walking distance of transit stations.
PRINCE GEORGE’S – Building Stronger Communities
Every resident in Prince George’s County deserves a decent, affordable home as the first step to achieving economic security, a higher quality of life and a sense of stability. For the county’s moderate- and low-income households, having and keeping a home within their budget has become increasingly difficult.
Invest Prince George’s – A Resource for Investors
Prince George’s County, Maryland offers the best economic development and private investment opportunity in the robust Washington, D.C. region – 15 Metrorail stations with direct access to one of the nation’s leading employment centers.
Smart Growth Platform 2010 for Prince George’s County
With 15 Metro stations in close proximity to one of the nation’s leading employment centers, Prince George’s County has the best economic development opportunity in the Washington, D.C. region.
Green Power Platform
Building Healthy and Vibrant Communities in Prince George’s County is a comprehensive blueprint to improve the environment and economy in Prince George’s County and to secure environmental justice for all of our residents. Policy recommendations are provided for energy conservation, renewable energy, waste management, land use, transportation, green business, sustainable agriculture and water/natural resources.
Prince George’s County: New Carrollton Preliminary Transit District Development Plan and Proposed Transit District Overlay Zoning Map Amendment
Overall, we want to express our enthusiasm for the plan to recreate the New Carrollton station area as a great metropolitan center with a grand transit station as the anchor. We concur with the real estate experts panel report of the Urban Land Institute that “the first step in catalyzing development at the station area is to focus on the station itself.” Built in 1978, the station is one of the oldest in the system. The station, however, is a leading economic development asset for the county.
Region’s Longest Commutes Show Need for Smart Growth and Transit
Today’s Washington Post (A-1, “A Dubious Distinction: The Longest Ride in the U.S.”) reports on Census Bureau data showing that residents of parts of Prince William and Prince George’s Counties have some of the longest average commutes in the nation. Key issues highlighted in the article:
TOD Presentation to Prince George’s County Council
A presentation given on May 20, 2008 which explains the benefits of transit-oriented development in Prince George’s County.