Category: Prince George’s County

RISE Prince George’s January Meeting: What’s going on at the County Council?

Thanks to all who came to our January meeting! We caught up on what’s happening with the new County Council and how we aim to advance our priorities this year! We also discussed our top issues: transit-oriented development & zoning, complete streets, better transit, and housing opportunities for all.

[CLOSED] We’re hiring a Maryland Transit Advocate!

[CLOSED] We’re hiring a Maryland Transit Advocate!

Our small but mighty team is looking for a Maryland Transit Advocate to help win major state transit investments, particularly in Prince George’s County. CSG’s advocacy goals for Prince George’s include securing state-level funding for improved, equitable bus transit and to support walkable, transit-oriented development.

EVENT: Better Buses for Prince George’s: What Does it Take?

EVENT: Better Buses for Prince George’s: What Does it Take?

On November 9, 2022, RISE Prince George’s and CSG hosted a discussion with Metro and Prince George’s County to talk about how we can get more frequent, reliable, and accessible bus service that better meets the needs of riders and residents in Prince George’s and our region. These transit providers are seeking input as they look to redesign the bus network and prioritize buses on local roads.

RISE Prince George’s Kyle Reeder moderated this session. Maryland Delegate Jazz Lewis provided opening remarks. From WMATA, we heard from Allison Davis, Metro’s Vice President of Planning, and Raka Choudhury, Director of Bus Priority. Joining us from Prince George’s Department of Public Works and Transportation was Semia Hackett, Associate Director of Transportation, and Efon Epanty, Chief of Planning and Innovation.


TAKE ACTION: Prince George’s needs safer streets and better transit for livable communities

Maryland Department of Transportation will present its six-year transportation budget plan to Prince George’s officials this Thursday. The project list has some good projects, including the Purple Line, Metro, walk and bike safety, and support for transit-oriented development along the Blue Line Corridor. But also plans a lot of bad spending for road expansion that will fuel sprawling, traffic-generating development in the remaining rural areas of the county, and a continued failure to redesign existing roads to make them safer.

CSG in the News: Prince George’s council pulls ‘Machiavellian’ zoning bill after uproar

September 16, 2022 | Washington Post | Daniel Wu

“The inclusion of CB-91 with those bills was “an extra Machiavellian move,” Cheryl Cort, policy director for the nonprofit Coalition for Smarter Growth, wrote to The Washington Post. Had they all passed, CB-91′s supermajority requirement would have solidified the outgoing county council’s final zoning amendments, passed under a lower burden.”

Read the full story.