Category: Resources

Letter to MDGA Leadership re: the proposed suspension of the Maryland gas tax

On behalf of the Transform Maryland Transportation Coalition (formerly Save MD Transit), we thank you for your support of the Transit Safety & Investment Act during the 2021 General Assembly. The bill will help assure MTA’s current maintenance needs will be addressed over the next five years. 

TESTIMONY re: Strathmore Square (Support)

March 16, 2022 
Montgomery County Planning Board 
2425 Reedie Dr 
Wheaton, MD 20902 

Item 6 – Strathmore Square: Preliminary Plan Amendment No. 12019018B & Site Plan No. 820220070 (Support) 

Testimony for March 17, 2022 

Jane Lyons, Maryland Advocacy Manager 

Thank you, Chair Anderson and Planning Commissioners, for the opportunity to provide testimony on the Strathmore Square project. My name is Jane Lyons and I’m speaking on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, the leading organization advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all. 

We support the application by Fivesquares Development and are excited by the vision of Strathmore Square. This project will bring much needed activation to the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro station, including 220 units of housing (33 MPDUs), jobs, a 1.2 acre park, shared street, bike amenities, public space, and other improvements to the area. This is an opportunity to turn a parking lot into a vibrant community. 

It is our hope this project will serve as an example of what can be achieved with transit-oriented development in the county. Projects like Strathmore Square are needed to provide the public benefits that contribute to making the county a more attractive, inclusive, and sustainable place to live. By concentrating more housing, retail, and jobs at a Metro station, Montgomery County will be making it easier for more residents to be less reliant on a private vehicle and bring additional business to destinations like the Music Center at Strathmore and Pike & Rose in North Bethesda. 

Thus, we urge you to support the plan amendment and site plan for Strathmore Square. Thank you for your consideration. 

MoCo Better Buses FY23 Budget Letter

The Montgomery Better Buses coalition strongly urges you to support bus riders and transit workers in the FY23 operating budget, FY23 capital budget, and FY23-28 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Our coalition consists of nearly 30 groups, including labor, climate and transit advocates, service providers, and community organizations. 

Joint Statement on OLO Initial RESJ Review of Thrive 2050

Joint Statement on OLO Initial RESJ Review of Thrive 2050

The Coalition for Smarter Growth, Montgomery for All, Audubon Naturalist Society, Montgomery Housing Alliance, and the Washington Area Bicyclists Association believe in the overarching vision of Thrive 2050, which promotes equity and sustainability through affordable housing, more housing options, improved transit, walkable communities that improve access to jobs, and more.