Category: Presentations

Restoring Streams, Revitalizing Communities Along the Richmond Highway Corridor

Restoring Streams, Revitalizing Communities Along the Richmond Highway Corridor

Revitalizing Richmond Highway with mixed-use walkable development, while linking revitalization, stream restoration, and better stormwater management – priceless! These interconnected issues were featured at our community forum, co-sponsored by the Friends of Dyke Marsh, Lee District Association of Civic Organizations, and Audubon Naturalist Society.

On Track to Prosperity: The Market Potential of Transit-Oriented Development in Prince George’s County

With 15 Metro stations offering ample room for new businesses, housing and public spaces, Prince George’s has all the right ingredients for transit-oriented development (TOD) to create mixed-use, walkable, and vibrant communities. Join us to learn how the county can take full advantage of all its opportunities as the market for TOD continues to grow. TOD is commonly defined as higher-density, mixed-use development within walking distance of transit stations.

From Mean Streets to Main Streets

Walkable neighborhoods are not only more vibrant and convenient, but safer, too. In this 2010 presentation, CSG Policy Director Cheryl Cort shows how missing sidewalks create hazardous walking conditions for pedestrians and lead to more traffic fatalities, as evident in local data. She argues that streets need to be more pedestrian-friendly, especially in high-demand areas with lots of traffic.