Category: Reports

What’s Affordable “Workforce Housing” for the District of Columbia?

What’s Affordable “Workforce Housing” for the District of Columbia?

One of Mayor Vincent Gray’s stated priorities is to increase the supply of workforce housing, a component along the continuum of affordable housing needs. This is a laudable goal — seeking to make Washington, D.C. a place where residents can afford to live close to where they work. However, if D.C. officials use regional incomes to define “workforce housing,” it could result in policies that would fail to reach most of D.C.’s low- and moderate-income working households who have a difficult time finding an affordable place to live in D.C.’s expensive housing market.

D.C. – New Resources for Housing and Homelessness Advocates

D.C. – New Resources for Housing and Homelessness Advocates

The lack of affordable housing has long been a problem in the District. For some residents, this means that they are forced to live in housing that eats up nearly all of their paycheck, leaving little for other basic necessities such as food and clothing. For many others, the cost of housing is so high that they are forced to double up in homes and apartments, move out of their community, or live in their cars or out on the streets.

Green Power Platform

Green Power Platform

Building Healthy and Vibrant Communities in Prince George’s County is a comprehensive blueprint to improve the environment and economy in Prince George’s County and to secure environmental justice for all of our residents. Policy recommendations are provided for energy conservation, renewable energy, waste management, land use, transportation, green business, sustainable agriculture and water/natural resources.