Today, we’re covering what Thrive says about land use and growth. At its core, Thrive is a land use plan that provides a framework for where and how the county should grow over the next 30 years, so this is one of Thrive’s most important topics.
Tag: thrive 2050
All About Thrive #1: What’s happening with Thrive 2050?
Join us for our “All About Thrive” series over the next few months to help people learn more about Thrive 2050, Montgomery County’s new general plan.
Joint Statement on OLO Initial RESJ Review of Thrive 2050
The Coalition for Smarter Growth, Montgomery for All, Audubon Naturalist Society, Montgomery Housing Alliance, and the Washington Area Bicyclists Association believe in the overarching vision of Thrive 2050, which promotes equity and sustainability through affordable housing, more housing options, improved transit, walkable communities that improve access to jobs, and more.
Sign-on letter regarding Thrive 2050 work sessions
The undersigned organizations urge you to expeditiously schedule work sessions and a vote on Thrive Montgomery 2050 to follow the regional citizens advisory board listening sessions and conclude prior to the County Council’s work on the operating budget.
RELEASE: CSG Responds to Anti-Housing Protesters at Planning Board
Montgomery County, Md – “Montgomery County’s Thrive 2050 General Plan update is imbued with the progressive and creative spirit that has long been at the core of the community’s values,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG). “This is why we are so saddened to see the strident opposition to the county’s efforts to address a housing crisis through Thrive 2050 and a separate study of Attainable Housing Strategies.”
Take Action: How should we live in 2050?
Do you want to be able to easily walk, bike, or hop on a bus? Wouldn’t it be great if it were easy to find a great place to live that doesn’t stretch your budget? How can we make sure our neighborhoods are resilient in the face of climate change?
For nearly two years, Montgomery County has been working on a new general plan called Thrive Montgomery 2050, a blueprint for how and where the county will grow over the next 30+ years. Now, it’s up to the County Council whether or not to maintain and strengthen the Planning Board’s bold vision.
Send an email to your councilmembers to support Thrive 2050!
We believe the Planning Board has done a great job embracing smart growth as the most sustainable and equitable way for Montgomery County to grow and provide opportunities for everyone. On its own, Thrive doesn’t change any laws, but it will set the policy agenda for the County Council, influence the Planning Department’s work program, and impact all future master plans. It’s absolutely critical for the future!
Use this form to tell your councilmembers that you support a vision for Montgomery County that is more affordable, equitable, sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous. You can read the Planning Board’s draft of Thrive and learn more about the plan here, and learn about CSG’s Thrive 2050 campaign here.
Take action on Thrive 2050, new Montgomery County’s General Plan
Sustainable, efficient, equitable land use is core to a healthy future and ensuring a high quality of life for everyone. For nearly two years, Montgomery County has been working on a new general land use plan called Thrive 2050, a blueprint for how and where the county will grow over the next 30+ years.
CSG Testimony: Thrive 2050 to County Council
We strongly support the Planning Board’s draft of Thrive 2050, although we urge you to further strengthen certain areas. Thrive creates a vital blueprint for a county that is more affordable, walkable, prosperous, resilient, and racially and economically integrated, and recognizes that the best way to achieve that vision is through embracing the principles of inclusive smart growth, urbanism, and equitable transit-oriented development.
The decisions you will make in this document will have generational implications for how we live, work, and play. The world in 2050 will be very different no matter what — the question is whether we allow our communities to evolve in order to preserve what we value the most: diversity, sustainability, affordability, prosperity, equity, and social mobility.
Montgomery County Smart Growth Advocacy Manual
Click to download our Montgomery County Smart Growth Advocacy Manual, featuring information on how the County Council works, what exactly the Planning Board does, the difference between a sector plan and functional master plan and much more!