Category: District of Columbia

Update to D.C.’s 1958 Zoning Code for Parking Offers Better Choices for Residents and Commuters

The location, amount and pricing of parking directly affects driving habits, traffic congestion, air quality, and the urban fabric of our city. Tonight’s public hearing before the D.C. Zoning Commission provides the opportunity to voice support for the Office of Planning’s proposed comprehensive reform of parking regulations. The proposed changes protect walkable historic neighborhoods, promote transit-oriented development, help make new housing more affordable, and help improve commuting conditions for all.

Smart Growth-Conservation Group Honors Business Leader Robert Peck

Last night at a special reception in the revitalized U Street neighborhood, the Coalition for Smarter Growth recognized long-time business-leader Robert Peck with its fifth annual Livable Communities Leadership Award. Mr. Peck, former president of the Greater Washington Board of Trade, was introduced by Alex Orfinger, publisher of the Washington Business Journal.

D.C.: FY2009 Budget Support Act of 2008

I am here today to speak on two specific tax policy issues, both of which could be targeted to more efficiently support those communities they were created to serve, and to appeal to the City Council to remain especially prudent and careful in exercising tax relief during lean economic cycles such as we are experiencing at the current time.

Pedestrians Unsafe on Washington Region’s “Mean Streets”

A few days before a regional pedestrian safety summit, the Coalition for Smarter Growth released a new study of pedestrian safety in the Washington, D.C., region. The report finds that suburban jurisdictions are the least safe for walkers, especially Fairfax County, Virginia, and Prince George’s County, Maryland. While jurisdictions are taking steps to improve safety, the Coalition is calling on our region’s leaders to redouble their efforts to ensure that walking is a safe means of travel, and to commit to reducing by half the number of pedestrian crashes that result in death and severe injury in our communities.

Washington Area’s Mean Streets

Washington Area’s Mean Streets

A disturbing increase in the number of pedestrian deaths in the Washington, D.C., region is prompting public concern. In response, area officials have launched a “Street Smart” education campaign exhorting both walkers and motorists to watch out. Area jurisdictions are also stepping up law enforcement. Caution is always warranted and enforcement essential, but the only lasting way to ensure all users can travel safely is to design communities and streets that make walking and bicycling less risky and provide convenient connections. Each land use and transportation decision must consider and design for safe walking and bicycling.

City Council Lauded for Action on Affordable Housing Law

On January 8, the D.C. City Council voted overwhelmingly to sponsor legislation implementing its Inclusionary Zoning affordable housing law. Championed by Councilmembers Jim Graham and Chairman Vincent Gray, the bill fully reflects the position of the Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, which has repeatedly requested implementation by the Mayor’s office since original enabling legislation was approved in December 2006.

TESTIMONY: Washington D.C.’s Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning

D.C.’s Campaign for Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning is a broad coalition of traditional affordable housing allies along with progressive labor, religious and community-based groups. Over three years, the Campaign worked to achieve an inclusionary zoning policy which was adopted by the D.C. Zoning Commission (the body vested with land use authority in the District of Columbia). In December 2006, the D.C. City Council adopted the necessary legislation to implement the Zoning Commission’s polices, and appropriated money for staffing, but the new Mayor Fenty Administration has yet to issue draft regulations.

D.C.: Mixed-Income Housing

Remarkable increases in land values make it more challenging even for nonprofit developers to produce new affordable housing. On public lands, we have a tremendous opportunity to translate that high value into new affordable homes, helping our community realize direct benefits without needing to expend additional tax dollars to achieve them. With specific amendments, this could be truly landmark legislation.