Category: District of Columbia

Testimony: Support for Takoma Metro station facilities changes

We are excited to be testifying tonight in support of the proposed changes to the transit facilities at the Takoma Metro station. We’ve been working on reconfiguring the station area, and adding housing and other complementary transit-supporting uses since the year 2000. 

TESTIMONY: Chevy Chase Civic Site Public Surplus Hearing

We wish to express our support for the surplusing of the development and use rights of the Chevy Chase Civic site in order to “redevelop the community center and library into a multi-purpose civic core with state-of-the-art public facilities and mixed-income housing.”

TESTIMONY: Support for 310 mixed income homes in Friendship Heights DC, Case No. 96-13A

We wish to express our support for Case No. 96-13A. The applicant proposes to redevelop the existing building used for retail, into a 12-story, 130-foot mixed-use building consisting of ground floor retail space and approximately 310 rental apartments.

COMMENTS: Serious concerns about the K Street Transitway

We are enthusiastic supporters of your bold bus priority program, and the vision for the K Street Transitway project that you shared in 2019. However, we wish to express our great concern about the changes to the K Street Transitway design reflected in the semi-final 65% design stage.