Category: Maryland
TAKE ACTION: Prince George’s needs safer streets and better transit for livable communities
Maryland Department of Transportation will present its six-year transportation budget plan to Prince George’s officials this Thursday. The project list has some good projects, including the Purple Line, Metro, walk and bike safety, and support for transit-oriented development along the Blue Line Corridor. But also plans a lot of bad spending for road expansion that will fuel sprawling, traffic-generating development in the remaining rural areas of the county, and a continued failure to redesign existing roads to make them safer.
Testimony: Director of the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) for Prince George’s County Appointment
CSG supports the appointment of Mr. Johnson as Director of DPW&T. We are excited to support the movement of DPW&T towards safer streets, more reliable and frequent transit, and access to thriving businesses and neighborhoods.
CSG Comments: Current Thrive Draft 2022.09.16
The Coalition for Smarter Growth supports the Planning, Housing, and Economic Development committee’s unanimously approved draft of Thrive 2050 and the addition of the economy, environment, and equity chapters, and we recommend that the Council approve it this fall.
CSG in the News: Prince George’s council pulls ‘Machiavellian’ zoning bill after uproar
September 16, 2022 | Washington Post | Daniel Wu
“The inclusion of CB-91 with those bills was “an extra Machiavellian move,” Cheryl Cort, policy director for the nonprofit Coalition for Smarter Growth, wrote to The Washington Post. Had they all passed, CB-91′s supermajority requirement would have solidified the outgoing county council’s final zoning amendments, passed under a lower burden.”
TAKE ACTION: Pass Thrive’s Vision for Our Future!
Tell your councilmembers that you support a vision for Montgomery County that is more affordable, equitable, sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous!
Testimony: Support for CB-86 & CB-87-2022
We are pleased to express our support for CB-86 and CB-87. These bills build on the many advances the County has made in recent years to address the housing needs of its residents. The Council and Executive have much to be proud of as these bills show how far we’ve come.
Testimony: Oppose CB-78, split-zoned properties allowed use of higher intensity zone
Prince George’s County Council should conduct a careful assessment to address appropriate rezoning of a split-zoned property
Testimony: Support CB-86 & CB-87-2022
Prince George’s County Council bills would create a Housing Board to implement the 10-year housing strategy, and support affordable housing tax relief in Right of First Refusal purchases.
Testimony: Oppose CB 77, CB 91 & CB 92
Fast-tracking these misguided zoning bills (specifically CB-69, 77, 78, 91, 92) not only devalues residents’ participation in the 8-year process that created the new code, it also undermines efforts to attract high-quality transit-oriented development.