Maryland estimates it must invest about $1 billion a year in measures to quickly reduce planet-warming pollution to safe levels, which will provide benefits like lower energy costs and less flooding for its residents. However, if the state simultaneously spends billions in public funds on highway expansion, that makes it harder to achieve those climate goals. That problem is what the Maryland Transportation and Climate Alignment Act (TCA) aims to address – making sure transportation projects do not worsen climate pollution and giving people options to travel more affordably and sustainably.
Category: Statewide

RELEASE: Maryland bill tackles climate pollution from transportation by expanding affordable, clean options
“With Maryland’s limited transportation funds, the TCA can help the state re-evaluate or mitigate the impacts from highway expansion projects that undermine the state’s investments to fight climate change and that increase traffic and sprawl,” said Bill Pugh, Coalition for Smarter Growth
Take Action: Weigh in for Metro, buses, safe streets at the MD General Assembly
Get ready for an exciting Maryland General Assembly session now through April 8th! There’s a lot at stake – with Metro funding topping our list. To kick it off, we’ll start with our transportation list, but watch for an alert focused on housing, and more specific alerts on important budget hearings and bills.
CSG in the News: Transit advocates weigh in on Maryland’s $2B transportation shortfall
The Maryland Sierra Club and Coalition for Smarter Growth argue that a better way to address the funding backlog would be to shift more of the remaining road dollars to transit.
CSG comments on state DOT draft Carbon Reduction Strategies
The Coalition for Smarter Growth respectfully asks your consideration of these comments as you refine your Carbon Reduction Strategies (CRS) prior to submittal to FHWA next month. These comments build on our October 17 letter to the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board.
RELEASE: Advocates Call for Alternatives to Governor’s Toll Lane Plan
Today the Moore Administration announced it will seek a federal grant to advance former Gov. Hogan’s defective plan for toll lanes on I-495 across the American Legion Bridge to the I-270 spur, and the I-270 west spur.
Our partners and policy makers have proposed a range of toll-lane alternatives that can provide congestion relief alone or in combination. These include bus rapid transit networks on parallel roads; incentives for telework and flexible work hours; converting a lane on I-495 for bus, vanpools and HOV; reversible lanes during rush hour; metered ramps and other features included in the successful Innovation Congestion Management Program on I-270; addressing the East-West economic, racial and commuting divide through transit-oriented development; quickly completing the Purple Line and planning for Metrorail or light rail over the American Legion and Woodrow Wilson Bridges.
Comments re: 2050 Maryland Transportation Plan
Please consider these recommendations for refining the 2050 Maryland Transportation Plan proposed list of guiding principles, goals, and priorities, and addressing in the plan’s strategies:
Testimony: MD State Highway Administration FY24 budget oversight hearing
The Transform Maryland Transportation Coalition is asking MDOT to flex 50% of the federal funds, as allowed by federal law, from the Surface Transportation Block Grant and National Highway Performance Program formulas towards needed investments in eligible transit, safer streets, bicycle, and pedestrian projects, and vehicle electrification.
Recommendations for the Maryland Commission on Climate Change Annual Report
We offer the following recommendations for various sectors believing that they can help
Maryland close the emissions gap between the 2030 GGRA set in 2017 (40% by 2030) and the new Climate
Solutions Now Act goal (60% by 2031). The Federal Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction Acts provide
unprecedented levels of federal funds to accomplish many of these goals. Maryland agencies and local
governments should take maximum advantage of these funding opportunities.
Background & Analysis on Visualize 2045 (April 2022)
Despite a new climate action plan by TPB’s parent agency the Council of Governments, this Visualize 2045 makes no real changes and fails to reduce emissions any more than the last one.