Category: Regional and Federal

RELEASE: New Transit Access to Opportunity Data for the Seven Highest-Ridership Cities

“The Washington DC Metro’s strategy of increasing frequency, expanding service with 24-hour routes, and providing low-income fare passes is working,” said Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Growth in Washington DC. “TransitCenter’s updated Transportation Equity Dashboard shows that the average DC area resident has much-improved access to jobs. Alexandria’s new DASH Bus network and free fares also contributed to much-improved access, with both systems showing the greatest benefits for Black and lower-income workers. This report shows the value of investing in Metro and our local bus systems, including the importance of finding 35% more bus operating funds for Metro to implement its Visionary Bus Network.”

Remarks to DMV Moves (long-term funding taskforce)

Remarks to DMV Moves (long-term funding taskforce)

Access to frequent, affordable transit is key for access to jobs and enabling people to escape poverty. Affordable transit combined with affordable housing results in lower combined housing and transportation costs, provides for family security, and enables families and children to succeed. Our transportation network would not work without frequent and extensive transit.

Letter: 495 Southside (Oppose, Regional/Fairfax County)

The Coalition for Smarter Growth respectfully asks Transportation Planning board officials to: 1) Vote to exclude the 495 Southside Project from the Visualize 2050 plan and air quality conformity analysis due to the strong concerns of multiple local jurisdictions that have not been adequately addressed by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and 2) Ensure that VDOT fixes its flawed 495 Southside Study to fully evaluate other alternatives, address local jurisdiction concerns, and identify the best long-term solution for the region and communities along 495.

Joint Letter to COG-WMATA re Table for LT Metro Funding

The undersigned groups commend regional elected officials and staff for identifying $480 million in funding to support WMATA FY25 operations. Our non-profit and labor organizations worked to support this additional funding, as we did during the successful effort to win $500 million in capital funding in 2018. However, we all recognize that the region needs to once and for all identify a long-term, sustainable, reliable, dedicated funding solution for WMATA. 

TPB Board Comment, April 2024 Meeting

Today you will be briefed on the Visualize 2050 public comments received last month. The feedback form results show overwhelming disappointment with the Visualize 2050 process, its many road widening projects, and voice support for a plan that instead strives to achieve our climate and other goals for walkable, transit-friendly affordable communities.