Category: Resources

TPB Board Comment, April 2024 Meeting

Today you will be briefed on the Visualize 2050 public comments received last month. The feedback form results show overwhelming disappointment with the Visualize 2050 process, its many road widening projects, and voice support for a plan that instead strives to achieve our climate and other goals for walkable, transit-friendly affordable communities.

Testimony: FY25 Operating Budget (Montgomery County, Support with Amendments)

We are glad to see record levels of funding for affordable housing production and preservation in this year’s capital and operating budgets, and thank the Council and County Executive for consistently increasing funding for affordable housing year over year.

Understanding the New Mixed-Use Zoning for Chevy Chase DC

These zoning changes fulfill the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan, Chevy Chase Small Area Plan, and the Housing Equity Report which call for increased affordable housing opportunities in Chevy Chase. Currently, Ward 3 has less than 1% of D.C.’s dedicated affordable housing. The zoning changes are also intended to support moderate density mixed use development that creates an active, pedestrian-oriented commercial corridor with a convenient mix of neighborhood serving shops and services. 

Comments: AlexWest Draft Recommendations (Alexandria, Support)

The Coalition for Smarter Growth supports the overall recommendations for a more walkable, transit-friendly, mixed-use and inclusive West End, with greater housing security and opportunities for families to live in its neighborhoods. We also appreciate the City’s thoughtful planning process that has emphasized proactive engagement for all communities to participate.

Testimony: Vote not to delay full implementation of the modern Zoning Ordinance (Prince George’s, Oppose)

We urge the Council to vote against CR 22. We ask you to not delay implementation of the modern Zoning Ordinance by extending the overlapping use of the old zoning code for another two years, as CR 22 proposes. Further delay of the implementation of the modern zoning ordinance for another two years will harm the county’s ability to attract new investment and guide quality development to appropriate locations.

CSG in the News: Officials must act on promise to fix the region’s Visualize 2050 transportation plan

This plan is important because it shows how the region’s transportation investments collectively succeed or fail in addressing important issues, and, under federal law, major projects must be in the plan to get built. The plan also demonstrates where the region’s priorities are – endlessly widening roads to move vehicles, or giving people affordable and sustainable travel options and proximity to jobs and services.